My family and I are starting to wrap up a week long trip to New England, predominantly in Maine where my wife is attending a conference at Colby College in Waterville. Our first night in Maine was actually spent with a good friend of mine from Residency who pulled up roots, along with his wife, from Boston where he was on the academic staff with Harvard's Emergency Medicine program, bought a house on an island off the coast of Maine and started a new life. They are powered by propane and solar, there are no utilities...their only shower is an outdoor solar shower and their only bathroom is an outhouse. It was quite an experience that I wish could have lasted more than the one evening. My children got to assist him on his boat pulling in lobster pots, catching crabs and lobsters that we ate only minutes after being taken from the cool North Atlantic. In any case....I'm a bit of a photography nut... I got several nice photos that day and thought I'd share them here. The 3 attached are retouched and cropped to 1280x800 pixels and work very nicely as a background image on your computer. You can see the others (mostly family oriented) at my flickr site:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Jul 13 2007, 09:02 AM) [snapback]478037[/snapback]</div> Nice pictures. What camera did you use?
You have the "eye" sir, no question. Your center composition proves it - very artfully done - and only a seasoned photographer would have seen that image sitting there waiting to be clicked, anyone else on that dock would only have seen a disorderly pile of bouys, if they'd paid any attention to them at all. Excellent work!! Mark Baird Alameda CA
Very nice pics indeed. There is nothing like eating a fresh lobster right from the dock to the kettle with the seaweed and water. My wife is from Maine, and while we did our travels in the MH we had to go back just for the lobster . Your pics brought back a lot of great memories being there. Glad you had a great time. P.S. Looking forward to meeting a lot of PChatters at Hybridfest ( might as well give it a plug) Craig
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tom 6850 @ Jul 13 2007, 09:23 AM) [snapback]478075[/snapback]</div> Most of the ones on Flickr I took with my D200, Nikon 17-55mm AFS, +/- strobe. And, just FYI, it's sort of poor taste to ask a photographer what camera he/she used. It may be the single least important tool. Kind of like asking a painter what brand of brush they used to make a painting. It's about seeing light, composition, reading exposure. Then the lens is probably the next most important can stick a great lens on a terrible body and get a perfect photo if the photographer knows what he/she is doing, but lousy glass on the best body and you just will never be able to get the shot. Not offended, I've heard that question way too many times now to be offended by it, but there are others who are more easily offended. And to all, thanks, I like the ego massage!
"And to all, thanks, I like the ego massage!" :lol: :lol: Most Doctors and Lawyers do! My wife has worked in the Legal field most of her life and I heard that plenty , or the " Ego Stroke" sorta the back stroke but not
Thank you so much for the beautiful pictures! I'll be saving each of them! I am a camera bug as well....but these look very professional.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Jul 13 2007, 04:17 PM) [snapback]478310[/snapback]</div> Sorry to offend you. Thanks for the info. It is that the pictures are extremely sharp and in focus. I could tell that you used a high quality camera and lens and was curious what you used. It goes without saying that the subject matter and composition are great (ego massage). As far as painters go, we are having two pictures commissioned, and the artist was more than happy to share the tools of her trade with us. She explained the paper, paints and brushes that she uses and what is entailed with the composition of her paintings. She definitely was not offended by our questions but enjoyed sharing her passion with us. She is not the type of person who must have her ego massaged, her work speaks for itself. One great thing about this site is that members do share information.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tom 6850 @ Jul 14 2007, 06:10 AM) [snapback]478570[/snapback]</div> Again, I wasn't offended. And I LOVE to talk about my cameras and glass and all my other photo tools as well. And no doubt that they are all a big part of what makes a nice photo. My only point was that when you see a nice photo, compliment it, then the first question is "what kind of camera" it implies that the photo is good b/c of the camera. I fully realize that most people don't intend that or mean to offend when they do it, but I think it is a tad frustrating when you work hard to learn photography then get the feeling someone wants to credit the camera.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Jul 14 2007, 07:32 AM) [snapback]478571[/snapback]</div> I can tell that they were not taken by an amateur and forethought was taken before hand. I also was impressed with the pictures on your place by the lake that you posted a few months ago. Speaking of pictures I am going for arthroscopy on my right knee this coming Tuesday for a torn meniscus. My left knee was done a year and a half ago. The surgeon who is going to do the surgery was explaining it to me, showing the results of my MRI on the computer screen and how he will make three small incisions to do the repair. Last time he showed me pictures of the inside of my knee during the surgery. This time I will receive a CD of all the pictures of the inside of my knee taken during the surgery. It is really amazing that someone designed a camera that small that can take pictures showing so much detail and guide the surgeon in his work. The MRI results were just as fascinating as he could see my entire knee, rotate it, go inside and point out the problems I have with my knee. We really do live in extraordinary times to have the health care available to us here. For those of you who don't know what a meniscus, is it is a cushion of cartilage between bones, femur & tibia.. When its tears the resulting pain can rate a 10 out of 10.
I think if I was going to ask someone about the process behind a picture, I'd want to know what they were seeing/thinking while locating the subject, what went through their mind when framing it up, the thought process behind any post cropping/enhancement, and the overall feel of what they wanted to express. And maybe incidentally the gear used if I noted anything unusual that might have to do with it, such as any distortion or vignetting or blue fringies on light/dark parts like tree branches. Otherwise, that aspect probably just doesn't matter -- bits is bits. . Interesting that you landed on 1280x800 as the "canonical" reduction size. You must be on a wide Mac or similar! I always do 1024x768 because that's not only native on my lappie where it looks best at fullscreen, but it seems to be a little more browser-friendly for viewing. Then again, I regenerated a new "fall leaves" picture for a friend who really liked it and wanted a wallpaper for his mac. . _H*
2 out of my 3 main computers are at 1200x800. That size was selected, also, b/c that leaves plenty of room for you 'old school' monitor users to crop it down to fit!
Nice efusco here are a couple of mine from "Foilage Tour 05". . . <div align="center">[attachmentid=9718] [attachmentid=9719] [attachmentid=9723] This place is one of my Top 5 relaxation/vacation spots. . . [attachmentid=9724] [attachmentid=9721] [attachmentid=9725] </div> To wet a year for the "brillant colors" but still nice . . . Wildkow
Those are some nice shots Kow. Not sure how much into photography you are, but you have a good eye for light and composition. But almost every one of those shots would have "popped" with the use of a polarizer. Most cameras of any quality at all these days have one available.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Jul 14 2007, 05:40 PM) [snapback]478845[/snapback]</div> I like "pop" what kind of filter and can I do anything with Photoshop of a similar (pop) nature? Wildkow
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Jul 14 2007, 07:50 PM) [snapback]478850[/snapback]</div> There are plenty of things you can do in PS to enhance the colors a bit, but nothing will replace a high quality original. What you need is a polarizing filter aka a circular polarizer or just a polarizer. All the same thing. This is a filter that you attack to your lens, you rotate the filter to the point where contrast is increased and colors become more saturated by means of reducing the scattered light that has a negative affect on the image. A good lens hood is also helpful to reduce that scattered light and especially lens flare. If you want to e-mail me one or two of your favorite shots (full size originals exactly as you got them out of the camera...raw format if you have it...I'll play with them in PS a little and you can see what you think.