Lately there is been a really predominant creaking sound coming from the backseat area whenever there is the slightest turn or bump in the road. Lately it's been getting worse and worse, and it's obvious that it's coming from the backseat area, I just can't pinpoint where. I'm pretty sure it's not the shocks because when I push down on the car there is no sound, and when I jump around in the backseat I can't reproduce the sound either. When I have a lot of junk on the seat, the creaking seems to go away slightly, but when there is nothing on the seat, the sound is extremely noticeable. Does anyone have any idea what the sound is?
Interior creaking sounds commonly come from plastic trim. Exterior creaking generally comes from worn out suspension pieces.
Is it definitely from inside the cabin? If so, get someone else to drive and sit back there and listen around. And as mentioned, at least flip the seat bottom up and seat backs down for cargo storage, see what changes. There's more to the suspension than bouncing the shocks. There are some bushings back there that might creak under driving load.
Noises can be tricky. One thinks it is coming from left rear yet is coming from right front. The noise may even be from the under carriage. I assume you checked the seat mounting bolts first, and I like the remove the seat idea suggested above. That would confirm the noise is in the seat. Yes, plastic trim in the rear seat lower area is notorious for causing a a search. Also, repeating good advise and someone ride in the rear and help locate the noise. There are noise, vibration tools to help hunt yet typically not inexpensive other than a stethoscope (yes seriously). So......happy hunting.