Apple has released the public beta of boot camp so you can load and run Windows on an Intel Mac. I am downloading it now will let everyone know! Oh yes I got my new Mac Book Pro today!
OK I have a cheep Widows box with XP that I use for two things. First to use a VPN connection to the hospital. The client program only runs on a Windoz System. I know it makes me unclean, but I do it because I have to. After I sunk into the depths of depravity I discovered that the only way I can reprogram my CAN-View is with the heretical box. Well getting to the point, I have the system disk but it won't install on the Mac it want's it's own hardware! Whatt?? Is there any way to force it to install on my Mac? Do I have to give more money to the great satin? Is this typical for system software that comes with Windows Boxes? I am really bad at using Windows. Any help? The requirements for Boot Camp are Windows XP home and "Service Pack 2" how do I know if I have that? I would really like to save $200, if I can. The hospital stuff is like mission critical as it lets me in the L&D monitoring and charting system so I can keep track of thing and answer questions for the Midwifes and Family Docs with out getting in the car driving in look at the tracing then going home. Ideas?
Go the the apple website and log into the support forums. They should have an intel mac section. They may even have a Boot Camp section. You can post questions there. Someone should be able to answer. But this is all new and it may take a while. You can do a search too. I have to use Horizon and Zangle at work. It only runs on Novell. But I'm not sure if the school will install everything on a private computer. But I have been considering buying an intel Mac just so I don't have to use two different computers. I have way too much productivity software on my Mac to switch. (I have database with Appleworks but the district won't give us Access for the PCs and it isn't available for the Mac. I refuse to buy Filemaker when I have Appleworks database.) Besides I've been using a Mac for 20 years and a PC for only 6 months.
no, you won't be able to use the restore CD that came with your other computer, you need a real XP CD. You can get it cheaper (but without support from MS, but really, how many times have you called MS's support?) if you find an OEM version. Newegg has WinXP Home OEM for $87 and Professional OEM for $140. These are both SP2 CDs. Since you already have a Windows box, if you get an older XP CD (with SP1 or no service pack), you can make a SP2 CD (legally). You can follow these directions to do it by hand or use nLite. Careful with the other options of nLite, by the way. It lets you remove parts of Windows from the CD so they won't install, but if you remove the wrong parts you'll end up with a broken system. MSN Explorer and Windows Messenger are safe to remove, as I recall.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FourOhFour @ Apr 6 2006, 05:22 AM) [snapback]235770[/snapback]</div> Thanks I suspected that was the problem the system software keep giving me messages that it did not want to go to this "strange computer". Support from Mircosoft is that possible? I will buy one I would not feel guilty if I used the software on anouther computer as long a I put the first on a shelf. I may just sell or donate the old laptop. Apple may have placed other checks and ballances so as not to antagonize Bill.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hdrygas @ Apr 6 2006, 12:30 PM) [snapback]235834[/snapback]</div> No, it's not Apple. All the major computer makers distribute restore CDs that only work on their computers. You can't take a Gateway Windows Restore CD and use it on a Dell or any other machine. You only get support from Microsoft if you buy a retail copy of Windows, I think. I've never used it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hdrygas @ Apr 5 2006, 05:57 PM) [snapback]235522[/snapback]</div> And just 24 hrs later run just about any Intel operating system on a MacTel running OSX! See
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jfschultz @ Apr 6 2006, 10:38 AM) [snapback]235871[/snapback]</div> The dam has burst! How long will it be before you see a Dell running OS X. Then what will Bill do?
Ok it is a done deal and I am going through the clensing rituials. "It is alive!!!" I am connected to the hospital and for what ever reason the hospital does not know I am using WiFi ( OK don't even try it not only am I encrypted, but you will have to come more than half way down the driveway and then there is Sasha, think about it, do you want to meet Sasha in the dark? Even her tongue is black!) OK I have not installed a OS other than Apple in a long, long time, but this 1978 OS start up stuff with Windows before it gets going and references to XT and AT. What a yuk!! Does any one have one of those old IBM boxes running? And references to old interface connections SCSI, give me a break. That is like "Sooo" 20 century? No wonder Microsoft is in trouble. Give it up, let it go, and cut them off. Just try booting OS 9 from this computer. Whatever. OK Windoz XT works and it took some doing. Took half of the night and I can not believe the DOSS underpinnings that are still obviously there!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hdrygas @ Apr 6 2006, 10:50 PM) [snapback]236221[/snapback]</div> 1978?? Don't you mean 1988? God if it's '78 MS is worse trouble than I thought!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(BellBoy @ Apr 7 2006, 09:01 AM) [snapback]236333[/snapback]</div> OK 88 but 78 sounds better. What is DOS but a stolen CP/M? Bills entire fortune is built on stealing other folks ideas started with Basic and goes from there.
I thought I would update you. All of a sudden the network connections stopped working. I tried to reinstall the drivers but lost everything but the mouse? I then went back the restore thing and the resolution on the screen went south and I lost the Mac Video drivers. I swear that I have not been out surfing the net I did not even up date the software or register it. All I did was install the VPN client and connect once over the secure network to the hospital. I never even touched Internet Explorer!! Really. Does everyone go through this with Windows? I am going out to buy a Windows for Dummies book. I wiped the partition and am going to rebuild and reinstall the whole thing. Bummer. I am so glad I am a Mac user and I am even more sure of that now, than ever before. Off to the bookstore.