Good luck to you McDonald. Some close friends of mine have MS and another has Lupus. I take part in the MS walks and do what I can out here on the coast to raise awareness about these diseases. I wish you well .....
My thoughts are with you. I was diagnosed with ms in 2000. Although it is not nearly as tough as lupus, I have some idea of what you are going through. Hang tough. I truly feel that we will beat this someday, with some help from the good folks in the medical community. There will be a major freaking party that day.
Thank you guys for the support, same goes back to you! I am really excited to be a part of this conference.
Three tactics that are worth investigating for MS (and possibly Lupus) are 1) no saturated fat diet, 2) vegan diet, and 3) high dose vitamin D3. Dr. Roy Swank treated MS patients with an ultra low saturated fat diet for decades. This was of considerable benefit, with those caught early being completely stabilized. Dr. John McDougall has taken over Roy Swank's practice, and uses an ultra low fat vegan diet. Dr. McDougall has had lupus patients revert to entirely normal on the diet. Vitamin D3 is heavily involved in the immune system. High dose D3 has been observed to reverse MS. My take on this is that both MS and lupus are an end result of leaky gut syndrome. The intestines are damaged, perhaps by extended usage of oral antibiotics, and develop mechanical holes through which undigested food gets into the bloodstream. The undigested food, specifically food that is similar in structure to human tissue (that would be meat, dairy, eggs, fish, etc.) is recognized by the immune system as foreign. Antibodies are formed to fight the invaders, only they're not all that accurate in their targeting of the foreign food. The antibodies also mistakenly attack your own tissue, the essence of autoimmune disease. The immediate approach is to not eat anything that is similar to your own tissues. Avoid (not just cut down on) all animal products. This has nothing to do with political positions, religion, ethics, etc., and everything to do with your personal biology. The ethical vegetarian crowd generally allows eggs and dairy, but for you these are poison. Leaky gut can be healed, but it takes a long time. It's far too complex an issue to handle here, but there is enough data on the internet to go a long ways on the issue. Nutrition oriented doctors do exist and should be utilized. Check out the blog at Multiple Sclerosis Support Group - San Mateo, CA . It is the story of how one person with MS got out of their wheelchair and is now much healthier. He did it with 50,000 IU/day of vitamin D3. He also tells his story in an interview available at The Vitamin Shelf Radio Select the "M.S.: Out of a Wheelchair" story. It's about 18 minutes into the radio show. I know people will rant that these are just anecdotal reports that haven't been subjected to rigorous medical testing. If you want those, wait another 20 years and maybe there will be more evidence. If you want help now, you'll have to live with the current hodgepodge of medical knowledge.
Thank you for saying that, I have actually been vegetarian for about 5 years, strict vegan for 3 or so!