I wanted to run this incident by the community and see what you all come up with for possible causes. Driving home from work two days ago in a 101 degree heat wave in Wisconsin, I hear a low toned pop and then the radio shuts off. All my presets were gone and I had to reenter them. I have a Scangauge and set it to amp flow and to check all the temps. Cabin was around 84ish, same as HV battery, engine temp was 190ish. Conditions= 101 degree heat wave, probably 60-70 degree dew point, cooling down the inside of the car with A/C on full blast. Driving on freeway, don't remember if I was coasting on electric only or if the engine was running. Any ideas on what the cause would be? At first I though a circuit breaker of some sort due to not losing any power to the radio. It just shut off and I turned it back on 10 seconds later.