My electric mileage seems to have abruptly plummeted. Dash shows 13.2-13.8. Charges on L2 (or L1) no problems. I would get roughly this mileage out of it, but I didn't test closely (however I am mindful of the charging rates & usage because we have a new ETOU electric billing here & I sometimes adjust the charging amount to cover small trips only). Noticed a few days ago that I wasn't seeing that all & the change seemed abrupt- distances that are about half that estimate, would use up the entire charge. Checking more closely with an odometer last night, a 4 mi local trip consumed the entire charge well before the trip was complete. 2015 PIP with about 75k on it. Tire inflation is right on the recs. Any ideas/recommendations?
to be clear: you're saying that a full charge used to go more than 13 miles, and now you can't even get 4 miles? if that's the case, you may have a serious issue. do you have a way of measuring charge amount in kWh? is it still reporting 13+ miles on a full charge? does it take the same amount of time to charge? any decrease in mpg's?
Yeah, something does sound fishy about that. I presume you are this is a consistent and reproduce-able situation now, that the display range depletes much faster than actual range? If so, it should be pretty easy for a shop to hook up and diagnose if there is a problem with the battery? Assuming it is a battery issue, I believe that should be covered under the battery warranty, which I think is 100k miles? (I know it is 160k KM in Canada). As I side note, I don’t think I have ever seen >13 miles (~21km) on my ‘14, I usually have 16-18km (10-11 mi, and usually closer to 10) on a charge, and it has been this way since I got it at 2 years old. Now I am wondering if there is something wrong with my battery, LOL.
In my experience, seized rear brake caliper slide pins led to a reduction in range, though it was only somewhere around 1 mile for me. They're worth checking out, especially if you're in an area where roads get salted in winter.
I think "13.2-13.8" miles actually resulted in about 12-12.5 miles, but I wasn't looking as closely. I just know the rough mileage between home and a couple of sites and what I would expect. I have been mindful of ETOU costs and trying to charge only what I need for short trips during the ETOU peak window. Measuring charge amounts - my charging station has history. The full charge time of 1.15 hrs and ~2.4 kwh seems to be constant. The full charge estimated distance has fallen from 13.5-13.8 to 11.5 Gas mileage seems unaffected. I'm not watching it closely so it's just my feeling, but I have the same week-on week pattern and about the same fill up rate (1x / 9 da)
We should have a reasonable warranty here, but it's going to cost me to test it. Negotiating for this is like negotiating for a specialist at the HMO - I have to wait for the battery guy to come back from vacation.
where are you, and what are you driving? i'm still not clear, but again, if you're only getting 4-6 actual miles on a full battery, something is definitely wrong. in the united states, it is not covered under warranty