All, I have a 2002 Prius that is running fine except for a loud noise when I started it up---like the one the fan in my bathroom makes, but the car runs well and there are no lights or any other indicator that anything is wrong. I am taking it to a local mechanic today, since I don't trust my local dealer, but I am just checking if anyone else has encountered this problem. My car has about 95, 000 miles on it. I look forward to any responses. Best, ZES
I've started to notice a similar noise on my 06, like a bad fan in a PC. This seems to start just after I open a door and stops once things warm up a bit. Sounds like it's coming from right behind the center speaker. Seems to only happen when it's cold. Well cold as defined as cold in California, in the 40s
thanks for responding! It may be related to the cold, but I don't know, since we are almost in winter here in the east. I should pay attention to whether it is weather related. The noise only comes on when I initially start the engine. Have a great day!
Could it possibly be the serpentine belt? Sometimes they will make a loud noise when they're slightly loose (especially when it's cold).
If it's like mine, I hear a clappity clap, almost like lifters for a second, maybe two seconds. That usually unnerves me enough that I shut it off after that.
I've attached a zipped mp3 file of the noise I'm hearing. Again this is just when it's cold, usually in the low 40s or below. This starts just after I open the door and last for less than 2 minutes. This was recorded on an iPhone placed just above and in front of the center speaker.
I have no idea what that is but, I would check the transaxle fluid just to make sure. It may also be the inverter pump but these are just stabs in the dark. My best guess would be that this noise is coming from the transaxle and its probably due to old tranny fluid losing its ability to lubricate when cold. When was the last time you changed it??
Thanks again for your responses! As it turned out, my exhaust pipe was bent (I must have run over something), and it was creating the noise. My new mechanic fixed for $76.00, including an oil change, and I was good to go on an extended trip. I really appreciate your responses! Have a great holiday!