Can't even find the name, I'm failing at that google. I somehow lost the little beige-plastic cover seen missing in the photo to the inside-left of the rear hatch. Somehow getting a new one would be my 2nd choice. It never fit securely enough for me; any ideas about a better substitute? (I'd rather stuff not start falling into the hole it left.) coyote
2005 Toyota Prius Parts - Camelback Toyota Parts - Genuine OEM Parts - Free Shipping Camelback generally has good prices, but you may be able to find it cheaper used on Ebay or Auto Parts Market Or you could find a local salvage yard with a Prius and you can probably find one even cheaper. If you don't want to spend that much, how about a couple pieces of duct tape? It's really not all that visible most of the time.
First choice is "a better substitute". (Sorry I was not more clear.) The old piece is is not find-able.
I can't find it anywhere. I've googled and looked on parts sites. I think I need to know what it's called to find it.
Oops, so it is! Thank you very much, Yahoma! Still wish there was a better substitute, something that would fit more securely...
p.s. Is my trim (that I'm calling "beige") Ivory or Gray, please? p.p.s. I'm surprised to find neither one on eBay.
If you think it's beige, then I'd say you're looking for the Ivory one. But I'd suggest you call Camelback directly. They are very helpful at the Parts desk. There are a couple on eBay in the "B" color.
I think you can just screw or glue that peace to the floor board peace, if it doesn’t clip together strong enough. You newer need to disconnect those to since you can (and should) always remove them together.
Thank you very much all. I suck with colors. I decided not to get the gray one on eBay, and found that indeed Camelback did have the best price I found on the Ivory one. Big thanks to valde3, I think I will screw or glue it down this time! I was tempted to save the thirty bucks and duct tape it, but couldn't bear that.
Turns out that was not the correct part. It was the thing the rear hatch locks into: The parts desk at Camelback was unbelievably helpful when I phoned to ask to return it. I emailed the nice woman the photo from my first post, and she found the correct part: 58490-47020-A1 About ninety bucks because it only comes with the floor piece: $90 is too much for me, I'm only a coyote. I noticed a gray one on eBay. I've set an eBay Search for the Ivory one; 'til then I guess it is time for duct tape! Wish I could figure out how to search Auto Parts Market for a part number, just can't find it there. coyote
Coyote...sorry I led you astray...that was the wrong part number. I'll lay part of the blame on the crappy diagrams, however. Always good to check with the folks at Camelback to verify before ordering. It seems that the part you're missing is not a part at all, but only a piece of a part. I initially suspected that, but I didn't have the vehicle here to confirm and the diagram led me to believe there was indeed a part matching your need. is challenging to use. You might just try to locate a salvage yard close to you and give them a call.
Not at all (I was so lost I couldn't even find the crappy diagrams. And the only crappy diagram it was on was the one Camelback emailed me). My aim in following up was just in case others had the same issue. Great idea. I just went to the closest yard, and they had just gotten in an Ivory-interior Prius. But--like mine and Beachbummm's--it too had lost this slippery flimsy little part. (I'm gotta screw it in good when I get one.) Fortunately Prius ownership is extremely high here in Berkeley, CA, so I passed on the Gray one they did have. They said they'll have another Ivory model coming next week so I'll have it soon!
I got the piece and a few surprises. The salvage yard charged me $45 because it was attached to the floor piece (!) they insisted on selling with it. After the sticker-shock, I was happy to have the little trim piece already attached to something. I don't think it was attached to anything on my 2005. (The replacement I bought came out of a 2004.) In the photo my original part is on the left. Who knows, maybe the locking tabs broke off of mine…
So the salvage yard price was ~50% of the price of a new part? The tabs definitely broke off your original part. Overall, a good outcome even for a coyote.