My prius got hit from behind by a bmw over the weekend. I am looking for recommendations on a bodyshop that has experience with autobody work. Also looking for recommendations on a car accident attorney. I am located in San Jose, CA. Thanks in advance for recommendations!
Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you weren't seriously hurt, and the damage to your car is minimal. Not being from your area, I can't suggest any particular shop. However, it has been my experience that your own insurance company is a good place to start. They will have a list of approved shops with whom they have done business, and those shops will strive to provide the best work they can in order to earn the referrals from the insurance company. Some companies require that their recommended repair shops guarantee the work as long as you own the car. Also, your own insurance company will represent you in dealing with the other driver's company. Assuming it is 100% the other driver's fault, (in a rear-ender that should be easy to prove) his insurance company should be reasonable and looking to settle with you. Ask your own insurance company whether you will need an attorney. If your insurer pays out on your behalf, they then have a right of subrogation to go after the other driver and his insurer to recover their costs. If you are injured, you have I believe two years to instigate a lawsuit if necessary. (It used to be one year, but I seem to recall the time limit was extended, but your insurers' claims adjuster should know.) Nearly thirty years ago I was rear-ended by a teenaged driver with minimum insurance coverage. I had what turned out to be a permanent injury to my spine. I did have a lawyer, but we never went to court. His charges were very reasonable for filing a lawsuit, etc. We settled for what coverage he had, as the kid and his single mother had no assets. OTOH, a BMW owner ought to have better coverage, one would hope. Good luck to you.