I have a Jetta TDI now. It's a 2003, I bought it new and have put on about 235,000 miles. I love it but I have a fairly long commute in a remote area of Montana so I'm thinking I want a lower mileage car. I think I'll probably get a v, package 5 I have a few questions 1. I listen to a *lot* of audiobooks on my ipod. Does the v have steering wheel controls that will run the ipod? I have an aftermarket stereo in my Jetta that does this. 2. How does the bluetooth sound? My sister has a 2010 Highlander hybrid; the bluetooth sounds pretty horrible. Drops outs, etc... I have 2 large dogs, I hope to be able to fit a couple crates in it. I think that I can with the rear seats folded down. Joe
Maybe this will help with the dog crates question. I recently did a moving trip so I measured out the interior to determine how much I could stuff in the back of my v. Hatch opening is 28" high, 36" inches wide between the wheel wells, 48" width above wheel wells. Once inside and the rear seats folded flat i measured 6 feet from the hatch to front seat backs adjusted for 5'10 driver.
Sounds like it answers the crate question. Now to my ipod question. I have an ipod Nano and love controlling it with my steering wheel controls.
Bluetooth OK on my v3. Only use if for Droid phone though. Does have steering wheel controls for that. My salesman demo'ed my phone on the demo car for me. Can't help with anything Apple. Parked beside a black v at the driving range, she had it for 8 months and spoke of dog transport.
I have a droid, the only apple thing I have is my ipod. I checked it today, it worked fine. Then I pulled the trigger on a 2012 Package 5 v.