I have owned several different generation and models of Prius, but I have never heard of this 2010 Prius five I thought the models of that year only came in I-II-III and top of line IV. I just bought this car yesterday and it has features I didn’t even know existed in 2010 on some thing as pedestrian as a Toyota Prius. Remember this is 2010. Besides the standard Prius four equipment, JBL, navigation etc.… It’s self parks. Has radar cruise control. Lane assist warning and automatically puts you back in center of lane. Four LED headlamps each with automatic washers. But most surprising it comes with genuine leather seats, not NuLux as your would expect….I guess pretty much upsetting what people consider the stereotypical Prius owner. Very hard finding used Prius’s now with inventory shortages and gas hovering around $4 a gallon… these are apparently in demand. Bought it for $7300 It has 114,000 miles. Apparently the MSRP on this in 2010 was over $34,000… A ridiculous price to pay, there’s not that many of them.
Toyota used the Prius as a technology test bed even though the advanced options were an extra cost option.
congrats, beautiful car! get the egr circuit done now, and hopefully you'll get ahead of a blown engine
and BAM!!! nice purchase and photos, even with headlights on. People upgrade highlights and bulbs but post photos with them off or only side shots Gas here is $4.50 and even when the national average price goes down, our prices will continue to go up due to a measure “we voted” on years ago.
Our 2010 Canadian Touring is similar in appearance (self-levelling LED headlights, 17” wheels), but without the advanced tech and leather. Not that obvious but another plus: the steering/handling is better than lower levels. I’d second the EGR cleaning recommendation; more info in my signature. Also consider: 1. full brake inspection, not just “visual” inspection, if only cus so many owners and dealerships seem to conveniently ignore this. 2. Brake fluid change. (See my signature) 3. Transaxle fluid change. (See my signature) there’s also a thread pinned at top of 3rd gen maintenance forum, with a whole bunch of interesting video by @NutzAboutBolts
Congrats!! It came in II to V (which was switched to "Two" to "Five" in 2012). The I/One was a fleet special and was only $1k less than the II/Two. Yup. I was pretty happy with my 2010 w/ Technology Package (similar to your V but swap the LED headlights, foglights and 17" alloys for the 15" wheels and solar panel moonroof). My Prime has fewer "advanced technology" features than past Prii.
Great post - I have a 2013 five didn't realize that I had some of these features. Unfortuntely, it doesn't look like I have lane assist or self-park. I wonder if those features are part of an additional package on top of the model five.
Intelligent Parking Assist (self-park) was removed for the 2012 update. You should still have LKA. 3G Prius (2010-2015) Standard and Optional Equipment (Some Countries) | PriusChat
My steering wheel doesn't have the LKA or radar cruise buttons like the manual suggests or OP's steering wheel...hmm, strange. I don't have the advanced technology package so it seems like I do not have LKA or radar cruise.