Hello all. I joined this forum a long, long time ago. I was planning on purchasing a Prius back then but it just wasn't in the cards...well and a car accident put me in a tight spot. So, after all that time of wishing and wanting I finally pulled the trigger and found a great deal on a 2018 Prius Prime Advanced and the only thing I can say is that the wait was certainly worth it. The whole experience from when I took it for a test drive until now just felt like fate. Sorry if this sounds cliché. It's just that it's super rare for me to want something for so long and the end result is exactly or really better than what I could have hoped. It's also super rare for me to gush about a vehicle like this but here we are. I named her Cali after a beloved feline that unfortunately isn't with us anymore. I just wanted to pop in and say hello. Not sure how often I'll be on the forums but time will tell. I'll post a picture eventually but it's dark here right now so it'll have to wait until another time.
Yeehah! Welcome to the Prius gang! You certainly chose the most awesome Prius as your first! So, what do you have in mind for charging? For example, do you have a garage or other overnight charging options? Do you have a daily commute as such, and if so, how long?
I charge her every night with just the plug that came with. I don't drive every day but when I do the electric charge is long enough to handle most if not all of my commute. Actually I've run into a small issue in that I have to use gas when I normally wouldn't have to due to gasoline having a shelf life of around 3-6 months. When I purchased her on July 3rd I filled her completely up on the 4th and as of right now I'm about 12% in the tank. I absolutely love when I tell people of my problem I'm trying to solve because it's so unusual, the look on their faces is priceless. While I'm on the subject. Does the Prius Prime have safe guards in regards to gasoline?
I typically give ours 2-3 gallons once every 2-3 months. Well, that before COVID-19 hit, and I’m working from home. Ironically, we’re actually using more gas now! 2019BC (Before COVID!), I’d charge in the morning before my consistent 19-mile commute to work, charge at work, drive 19 miles home. All that on electric. Nowadays, working from home, my wife and I get kinda stir crazy and like to take long loops around town, through the west-Austin hill country by the lakes, etc. Such trips can only be half electric or so.