Toyota has T-SB-0023-24 with instructions for long term vehicle storage I was unaware Toyota had an official procedure. @Tideland Prius you may want to sticky this.Feel free to move this to a better place, if there is one. @Mendel Leisk @bisco you may want to take a look too.
I don't have any idea what the document says, but I'll bet it involves disconnecting the hybrid battery. You couldn't have given us the gist?
that tsb is intended for dealers, but everyone can probably learn something from it. it is long term storage where you have ready access to the vehicle at regular intervals.
They claim to tell you about towing your vehicle without saying how to get it into Neutral after a collision with the Hybrid system disabled! There is a know process for that.
There are a series of guides for those who need to dismantle a hybrid that may help at