So my black cherry persona has a new front bumper amongst other parts due to someone actually making a right turn across 3 lanes of traffic from the left-most lane. As a result I no longer have clean pass stickers on the front bumper but do still on the rear. I’ve emailed the DMV for replacements, not sure how that process works but in the meantime I’m curious what would happen if I continue using the HOV lane with stickers only on the rear until the fronts are replaced. Anyone ever have to deal with this on LI and have experience?
Your license plate should be on file with your DMV. You’ll probably get your picture taken but probably not a citation.
Here in California, they use stickers involved. I’m curios how they can identify vehicles that have stickers vs. non stickered. That would require every vehicle to have its picture taken to sort out the violators. Seems a little backwards.
I believe that even with transponders (like with EZ Pass) they still take a picture of every car. Have you noticed the flash as you drive past?