We just got our prius yesterday and installed the carseat for our 1 year old, rear facing behind the passenger seat. We are using the latch system so there are two shoulder belts within reach of her from her carseat. I'd like to lock these seat belts so she can't pull them out and get wrapped around her while we are driving but I cannot get them to stay locked. If. Pull quick they lock and I'd I retract slowly, they stay locked until they are almost all the way back in, but at a certain point they stop locking. Is there a way to fix this? The dealership said no. But I have always been able to pull out and lock whatever seat belts are near the baby seat in whatever car I am in.
If you are referring to the ratcheting you can cause them to not release (tighten only) by pulling them all way out then retract to the tightness you need. Be warned, if you do this you won't be able to pull them out to release, only detaching the buckle and letting them retract will recover from this state.