we just purchased 09 pk 6. the car will not lock all doors. the dealership fixed once, said it was a fuse. yesterday, after our first drive, we return home and the car would not lock (power was off, key in hand - appears electrical?). anyone had this problem? know a fix? should we return car?
:welcome: to PriusChat. Clementine, Our resident troubleshooting gurus will need more info to dig into your situation. So lets get started with a few questions to help them out: If this as your first drive, how is it that the dealer had already been involved? If it didn't work once for them, I would expect that they'd have done a second test after their fix attempt... intermittent electrical problems can be very difficult to isolate and identify. * What if any beepings did the car make before/after you tried to lock the car? * It would appear that your attempt to lock the car was with the fob at the driver's-side front door. Is this true? * Did you also try to lock using the fob on the passenger's side? * Were you holding anything else in your hand with the fob... keys, cell phone, etc? * I suspect two fobs came with the car. Did you try to lock with both fobs? * Did you attempt to lock up using the button on the driver's-side front door handle? Although it is unlikely, it is possible that your fob battery is dead. It only costs a few $$ and is available at drug stores, etc.
How do you know that the car didn't lock? If you lock it and then lift a door handle with the fob in your other hand, of course the doors will unlock again.
it is not the battery, since the unlock function seems to work, or at least make sounds and activate the lights., also the key works as it is supposed to work, when driving the car and having the key in the pocket. (smart key) We studied the manual and nothing we tried, seemed to work. Even the Mechanical key on the Fob only worked on the drivers door and not on all doors, as is is supposed to (per manual). We finally found the old fashioned mechanical way to lock the doors, which has to be done on every door individually. unlocking the car with the fob is no problem, except for the trunk, or hatch. the only way to open that one is with the lever from the inside.
when pressing the unlock function on the key it beeped and the lights went on, when pressing the lock function, nothing happened, so it is obvious that the remote lock or wireless lock or that this is called does not work.
Actually, there is about a 3 second period after locking with sks during which the car will not unlock by pulling the door handle (probably to allow for checking if it is locked when the lock-beep cannot be heard). The lock-beep is a good way to confirm that it locked if conditions allow it to be heard.
When you press the lock button on the inside of the driver's door (while sitting inside with the door closed), do all of the doors lock? If so, it's not a door lock electrical issue. Tom
Oh dear, it sounds like the 25A Door fuse has blown. You'll need to go back to the dealer. They'll probably next have to look for a wiring harness fault, connector block fault, or a door motor problem, various switches or maybe even have to replace the Main Body ECU.
14 miles and she's blowing large amperage fuses....does not sound good!!! I wonder if it was built on a Monday morning? Good luck on this one. Hopefully they can fix it permanently, and quickly!!!