Has anyone seen or heard about this? It was reported in the Los Angeles Times on Friday, and sounds like it could be really useful, but I can't find out anything about it. "Long accused by critics of delocalizing content, radio conglomerate Clear Channel Radio is launching programming that will deliver live, local traffic information directly to vehicles through in-car navigation systems. The service, offered via annual subscription, is available in Los Angeles and other top markets throughout the country as of today." For something that they are trying to sell, they really don't make it easy to find!! Any info would be appreciated.
i believe you have to purchase an Acura TL for that feature. other than that.. no clue. info would be intersting to see
Nope, the Acura rL runs off of XM NavTraffic, a service offered through XM for a nominal monthly fee (I believe $3-5 a month). Check out http://www.xmradio.com/xmnavtraffic for more info, including cities covered and other details. At CES XM announced that Navtraffic will be available on a few aftermarket nav systems this coming year as well - unfortunately I doubt it'll be backward compatible with the built in nav for the 04-05 Prius. -m.