The Top 20 MPGe thread represents "our best effort" for driving efficiency over at least 1000 miles. However, it is not representative of our "real world" long term efficiency. For 'lifetime efficiency' I propose to post snapshot and results of at least 10000 miles, if such summary exists. Formulee are simple: EV Efficiency = (EV distance driven)*a*b/(kWh display). Where: a (charging losses) = 0.85 for Level 1 charging (at least 90% of charges). a = 0.9 for Level 2 (at least 90%) b = 33.7 for miles/gallons cars. b = 8.9 for km/liters cars. Result is either MPGe or km/l eq. HV efficiency = (HV distance driven)/(displayed volume of gasoline used + 0.5) Result is either MPG or km/l. Conversion factor: 1 km/l = 2.35 MPG (real or equivalent). Note: overall efficiency can be calculated also but it is less relevant to this thread as it is EV ratio dependent. My results over 11326 miles and 100% L2 charging are: EV efficiency of 66.6 km/l eq. or 156.5 MPGe HV efficiency of 25.2 km/l or 59.3 MPG. If you have not reset one of your EV ratio screens for over 10000 miles please post your snapshot and results. Thanks.
That's really good. 2/3 EV and 1/3 HV in the miles you drove. Here is mine. 153 MPGe on EV and 55 MPG on gas.
I can participate when the 10000 refers to km's. If it is miles, I can probably join after half a year or one year.
Here's mine from about a year ago.. 2/29/2012 - 5/12/2014.. I'll post an updated one when I get a chance/remember to snap a new one (although my 12V died last year.. some come to think of it, I'm probably not over 10k yet)
Not quite.. I charged on L1 at home for about 9-10 months before getting a level 2 charger. However, at work, it has been mostly L1 (we have L2, but I usually let the Fords/Volts and EVs fight over those spaces)
I'm not sure what the "game" is here. In about 16,000 miles I have driven about 9,000 miles in EV. This is strictly due to what kind of trips I make each day and the occasional long (200 mi) trip. If I didn't go on the long trips EV would be above 80%. I don't do anything special (ie P&G) I just drive in an appropriate manner for whatever the trip entails and avoiding "hot rod" starts and stops. I can't show a picture but I keep extensive records for every tank of gas, my last one was purchased in February
I would not call it a game, just trying to establish EV and HV driving inefficiencies for 'lifetime' real world. Long trips are part of lifetime driving and the EV ratio is irrelevant to this thread. Example: from your data above, your long-term HV efficiency is about 52 MPG.
Hahaha.. in that case, my HV is horrible.. 90% of the time my ICE is running, its warming-up.. the other 10% of the time its under load as I drive up the hill to my house
Yes, living on a hill takes its hit twice, starting with full battery you cannot regenerate efficiently on the downhill to partially compensate for the uphill drive...hope the view is nice though