Hey y’all, Just bought a 2007 Prius for my daughter. It comes with a Hymotion plug-in. Last owner (owned it about 2years) didn’t know anything about it. I’ve found old info but not current info. What is the lifespan of this converter? Any hope that it works — but afraid to just plug in and test. All insights welcome!
If you or a friend who is good with electronics is interested preserving this historic hybrid car mod to like new condition and keep it alive for a long time it will eventually be a very valuable collector's item. But if you just want to have fun with something easy to use that doesn't need maintenance, then maybe not... in which case probably pull it and gift to someone who has enough nerd in them to deserve it.
@ericbecky has worked on these and may have insights. He is usually very helpful with phone consults too. But with the age and infrequent use of the system, you'll probably end up "valving it out" as it is probably not working and the effort or expense required to resurrect it will be prohibited . But I'd get in touch with Eric for his perspective .
Unlikely that it works. Especially since it sounds like the previous owner didn't use it? But you never know, I suppose. Taking it out is not fun if you live in a rust-prone area. Feel free to call if you want to discuss it. 608-729-4082