PiP people, was cruising for charging systems and came across the Leviton family of Level 1s and Level 2s, and guess what?!? They make a special GFCI just for Level 1 EV charging. How nice. Search for: Leviton T7591-PEV Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter. And it's GREEN! How cool is that. Amazon has it, Home Depot online has it, and I will have two: one for the office and one for home.
Just a small tip. Never unplug the charger while charging is in progress. I did so accidentally, and it created a large white spark, which is bad for the connectors. Such a spark also creates a large EMP, which is bad for any surge suppressors or electronics that may be in the circuit.
Excuse my ignorance, but the "brick" already has GFCI. So wouldn't it be redundant to have another GFCI?
The brick GFCI only protects the circuit from it to the car. A GFCI in the charger box protects the whole circuit.
Yes, you should always first unplug the J1772 handle to avoid arcing at the outlet. J1772 handles inside have a small switch as part of the release.
The GFCI Outlet : Electric Vehicle : Leviton Manufacturing that OP's referencing might help if you have this problem: My Nissan Leaf Forum • View topic - HELP: OEM EVSE tripping outlet's GFCI. (For those who don't know, Ingineer is aka pEEf over here.)
I'm not sure the above statement is completely accurate... While modding my current OEM EVSE I drew it's 120v PC board power (probably drawing only a few hundred milli-amps) from the black (hot) lead and green (ground) and it tripped it's internal GFI circuit without even being plugged into the car. Without being connected to the car- the high current output relay is opened so the EVSE to car 120v circuit is unpowered on both legs, that's why I'm concluding that the built in EVSE GFI is for outlet to EVSE. It may cover the EVSE to car circuit as well, but it definitely protects the outlet to EVSE circuit. Also, "Ingineer" who runs the EVSEUpgrade.com site said on the Leaf forum: "3. The EVSE already includes GFCI detection that is designed to avoid nuisance-tripping while charging. This means you do not need an external GFCI to preserve safety. My Nissan Leaf Forum • View topic - HELP: OEM EVSE tripping outlet's GFCI