Do you mean identify this droid, or do you mean, give it a name? If the former, it looks damn familiar. Is it from Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow? If not, I'd guess some 40's serial. If the latter: Winky.
identify It's neither from the 40's, nor from Sky Captain (speaking of which, am I the only one that actually enjoyed that movie?) h34r:
That's a tough one. I was going to say the robot from War of the Worlds, but can't prove it. Sounds like we are going to need this fellow's book if this thread gets out of control though...
Oh, come on, people!! I'm sorely dissapointed. The lack of correct replies is a black hole of knowledge. And I refuse to give it way.
Maximillian from The Black Hole! (and its going to sound unlikely, but I actually remembered the name and movie before seeing the clue... thats my story and I'm sticking to it.) Wheres the little sidekick, "Vincent?"
This one's going to be pretty difficult. Someone might recognize the people. For the answer, I'll accept the name of the show/movie in leau of the robot's name. Take your best shot at this one:
I stumbled on the answer. I typed in Green Smocked Bad Acting into google and the only hit returned was LOGANS RUN! Now, who's this? [attachmentid=833] Bonus question: This one is a real research robot. Name the robot or the inventor pictured. [attachmentid=832]
DING! DING! DING! We have a true GEE, er- WINNER!! The Black Hole indeed, quite possibly, my overall favorite movie! They way they presented space in the background, is stunning to this very day. Plus, did anyone notice the huge monitors in the control room are no longer science fiction? Nowadays they're called LCD/Plasma displays... h34r: You win 3 months of insurance protection against robots that may go nuts and suddenly attack you! Oh yeah, and here's V.I.N.C.E.N.T.:
The first one is from.... crap, it's on the tip of my tounge... I know a ray shoots out from it's "eyes"? From "The Day the Earth Stood Still?"... as for the second one... uggh... no clue...
The first picture looks like something out of an old Twilight Zone episode... The second one looks like Cog.
This one should be a lay-up.. (and no, it's NOT the next generation Prius) [Broken External Image]: h34r:
Hey, I saw that movie just a couple weeks ago. The whole time, my wife kept asking, "Why are you watching this?" and "what's the point of this boring movie?"
Dalek! I have no idea who that is! I just googled what I found in the image properties! Sorry! I ruined the fun! I'll go now!
Come on folks - that Gort from The Day the Earth Stood Still with Micheal Rennie and Patricia Neal - one of my FAVORITE movies of all time!! Klaatu Berada Nikto -
Yep. Gort and Cog. The human with Cog is a fellow named Rodney Brooks, who co-founded iRobot: maker of military and industrial robots, but probably best known for the Roomba 'robot.'