I have "finished" installing a new HV battery in my 2001 Prius and have two leftover parts. I have no clue where they should be instead of on my kitchen counter. BTW, the car likes the battery. I have attached a photo of these parts. Help anyone?
Thanks. But I don't think so. I picked it up direct from the dealer. Still looking for help on this. Anyone...
The orange part resembles a cover hold down for the shroud around the hv battery and the insulation piece on the right is just foam, so that seems likely to be from shipping as there is no foam protection needed in the battery. Brand new battery from Toyota for your Prius ? Good luck and keep us posted .
Check behind the rear seat at the driver's side for the little metal cover that goes over the power cable connections to the battery, for the hole that takes that orange lock pin. Once you install that pin, the idea is that to remove it, you turn the top using the key built into the service plug, which is a way of making sure you have pulled the service plug and have it in your hand.
Thanks much for this. Very clever of Toyota. I now know how to remove these fasteners properly - after damaging them for removal this time. Hopefully I will never need to use my new knowledge. I secured the plug with a small dab of UV activated glue.
They should put a sticker on the case adjacent to those orange fasteners, about using the service plug to remove them. It's buried in the repair manual: