More gas. All you did was waste a little gas. Other than that, no problems. You aren't the first Prius owner to do this. Tom
No big deal. I've had my Prius for over a year and on Monday I left mine on too. We were getting a tour of my daughters new place and when we went through each room the bluetooth connection would either sync up or be dropped. My phone make a sound during a connect or disconnect and the sounds drove me a bit nuts until I went and shut the car off correctly...
Get in the habit of locking the care every_single_time you leave it. One friendly beep and all's well, a long freakout beep and you either left it running or did something else it doesn't like.
You did WHAT?! Are you INSANE?!! There's no doubt in my mind that you have totally ruined your car!! I figured you were expecting something like that and since the other guys didn't seem willing to oblige, I thought I'd take it on myself. I've gone to car shows and hybrid events where Wayne - of the guys here - will leave his car powered up with the XM radio playing for the entire day. The battery drains slowly and then the engine kicks on to charge it a bit. That cycle continues all day. And he insists that he did not even waste as much gas as Tom would have you believe. Nothing personal, Tom. And by the way, I've been there and done that.
first time i did it i was confused b/c my car wouldn't stay locked i was like Wth is going on lock you stupid thing, that's when i realized the MFD was still lit up....
I did this once for half an hour. One nice thing is that it uses very little gas, since it only starts up periodically to put a little charge in the battery. Anyone ever seen how long a Prius will go like this on a full tank? Days?
On a really hot day, I've been known to leave the car on while I'm in a store. It's really nice to come back to a car with the air conditioning already running. You just have to use the metal key to lock it up.
Thats kinda hard to do as the car will beep at you loudly the whole time your walking away. If that beep is not loud go the dealer and have them turn it up. Plus the ice will be running if its parked and air on. If the ice is not on the inverter will be running and petty much screaming too. its loud. Hard to not notice these loud things. Like said before always always lock car either with remote or door button. Even in the garage. Get in that habit before someone drives your car away.
The beep can be turned up louder by the dealer? I did not know that. Would a dealer charge for that? Marvinh
Yes I think there are different sound levels to that warning beep the dealer can adjust using there Panasonic Toughbook laptop. I think it's been discussed here before. Mine 07 is quite loud and impossible to walk away from.But again always lock the car. Always always. If its unhappy it will not allow you to lock itself up alerting you to possible complete day ruining ramifications.
That's ok, unless you left it in the garage and you also left the AC on for 8 hours too.....You may risk your family with the CO poisoning.
A Prius in good working order emits almost no CO. Normal air leakage in the garage should dilute the CO. A gas lawnmower is a different story...
Well, never take any chances if the ICE did run intermittently for 8's still burning gasoline afterall. Though I doubt anyone could let a gas lawnmower runs for 8 hours without notice.....yea, its emission sure is killer.
This is where I have to admit that we have actually already talked about this: