Could these cheap projector headlights possibly be any good? My assumption is "no" -- but I wonder if anyone has them and how they look. They are made by Eagle Eyes, which apparently makes cheap knockoffs that aren't up to spec. I just wonder how much light output there could be using a standard bulb behind that lense. It says they are DOT/SAE approved, and yet there's a disclaimer that "some products are intended for off-road/show." I wonder why they didn't go ahead and fill in that row of "fake" LEDs with real ones. At least they are distinct ... and inexpensive (or, but cheap, depending on how you look at it) ...
Those look sweet. Too bad I have HID's. My first car with them and now you show me something that looks even better than HID's
They look ok (not sure how they would look on a stock Prius, though) -- but if the light output is lacking (ie. too dim or narrow), they could be dangerous. Also, the light beam is supposed to level off at a certain point so they're not shining directly into the oncoming cars. I had bought a new pair of Eagle Eyes headlights for a previous car, and the light output produced dim spots of light all over the road (instead of a nice, wide beam). Fortunately, I was able to return them. If these are anything like that, it wouldn't be worth it no matter how good they look, unless you really are going to use them for show. Then again, they don't really seem to be show quality either. BTW -- these only state that they are "low" beam. I'm pretty sure I've seen the same projectors stating they are low and high beam...
Here's another set with reflective chrome on the bottom instead of blacked out. This auction states that they are high/low beam: 06 07 08 09 TOYOTA PRIUS CCFL HALO PROJECTOR HEADLIGHTS:eBay Motors (item 290389169879 end time Feb-06-10 15:22:03 PST)
The light quality on those aren't as good as say, a genuine European Hella or Bosch projector. If you're adventurous and don't mind some hands-on DIY work, you can crack open your existing headlamps and do a OEM projector retrofit - from my observations on the Internet, Audi/BMW Hella projectors and Acura/Honda Stanley ones seem to be popular retrofit candidates.
I don't have these Prius lights, but I will say this, Eagle Eyes makes probably one of the best aftermarket light assemblies I've ever seen. If I didn't already have HID's on my Prius, I'd be getting these in a heartbeat! My daughter bought a used 2005 Pontiac Sunfire, excellent condition, but it had been sitting out in the sun from what seemed like day one as the headlights were cloudy and fogged BIG time! I have been doing automotive work my entire life and I couldn't get these lights back to normal as they were even really faded on the inside. Long story short, I found a set of replacement Eagle Eyes lights on e-Bay. They were $150 for the pair including shipping. I ordered them kind of expecting the worst, but was shocked beyond belief when they arrived. Packaged individually with the expanding foam and then packaged inside a larger box. The new lights even came with new bulbs installed and not junk bulbs either. They were original Phillips OEM bulbs. I took the old, original factory headlights off the car and compared them to these new ones. Absolutely no exaggeration when I say that the aftermarket Eagle Eyes light were BETTER made than the factory ones. The overall construction of the light assembly was second to none. I have also been talking with some other on one of the Ford forums about some Eagle Eyes replacement lights for the new Super Duty pickups and same feedback from everyone that has purchased those. As for the projector, what guys are doing is getting an aftermarket HID kit (H7 I believe) and installing them into the projectors. The end result is not 100% as good as a true factory projector, but I have seen these and for the $60 cost of the HID kit, the average person would think they were factory HID Projectors! Heres a picture of the Eagle Eyes lights that others have spoken very highly of, that I am considering getting for my Super Duty:
It's funny how people have different experiences. The Eagle Eyes I purchased (for my previous car) also came packaged nicely with new bulbs. They were also very clear compared to my clouded originals that were hazed so badly nothing helped to restore them. But I was warned that the EE's were not up to spec by an electrical engineer on the forums for that car, that Eagle Eyes produce knockoffs that don't go through the stringent testing required to produce a proper light beam. It could be that YMMV with the type of car that you have. Sure enough, they were *extremely* bad as to be dangerous -- as crystal clear as the lenses were. I returned them and purchased Depos instead which were much better. Someone else after me had the same experience. The price of the Eagle Eyes made them hard to pass up when the OEMs had clouded up so badly. The electrical engineer on that forum was very knowledgeable about lighting and other mechanics -- he made his own HID/projector retrofits and also made many other LED lighting customizations for that kind of car. At least where that vehicle was concerned, he was right. Again, this was my experience for that kind of car, and it was several years ago. But I would be leery of purchasing these. The fact that you have projectors that use the original Halogen bulbs itself is a little suspect. True, maybe you can add HID and/or upgrade the lense, but that's not what they're selling. I say all this hoping that I'm wrong because they do look different and would make an interesting modification. But unless you have extra money to spend to take the risk or to make them work ... it's interesting that nobody has indicated that they've installed these yet.
I know that some people on Ebay have bought these..I'll try to contact them and see if I can get some pics and opinions.
I just put the Eagle Eyes projector headlights on my 2nd generation Prius and it has changed my car's life entirely! I notice people cutting me off less, and slow drivers in front of me seem to check out their rear mirror faster and speed up. It's so hard for a car to not see those rings. These are so well made! As a rideshare driver with old headlights, I was afraid to drive at night in dimly-lit neighborhoods, because drunk idiots walk in the middle of the I can see everything! Projectors is the right word...they project all the way down the block, are clear as day..the light evenly disperssed to the sides and forward (I'm thinking..should I buy 6000ks?)...looks like they rolled off of the factory for a 2016 car, and are perfectly leveled right out of the blinding the drivers in need to adjust. I went with the chrome housing because I think the black housing makes the styling look like an alien spaceship....the chrome housing is beautiful. When just illuminating the rings, there are extra lines of light reflected inside to make a cool design, rather than the reflection making the entire housing glow like a big ball (like stock halogen lamps). When the projectors are turned on, it's barely noticeable...the rings and cool lines still visible.....I wired the daytime runing lights with the halos. I like how the running lights are in the top corners of the lamp...pretty much facing the sides of the car rather than facing forward. The design of the Eagle Eyes headlamp also incorporates and USES the faux-LED line that is in the design of the stock headlamp (the line in the middle that looks like a line of LEDs but has none and is just for style). When you turn on the indicator, the entire top half of the headlamp illuminates including the fax-LED line...looks great! I live in Texas, where a lot of people are agressively stupid drivers who get from A to B without killing everyone only through daily miracles. When an aggressive driver sees those rings coming in the rear view, their thoughts are either "that might be a luxury vehicle, I'd better not cut him off," or "those are the headlights that a driving enthusiast would buy, so I'll not make the assuption that he's a slow Prius." At night...expensive-looking-car headlghts are the only thing cars can see...most will assume it's a luxury car. Other than that....a lot of head turns that never Ever happened before...who the hell turns their head when a Prius goes by? I'm so surprised that I have never EVER seen these on another Prius...even roadtripping through California last summer (I thought Toyota put a million of these on the road). Do I really have the coolest looking Prius in Austin Texas right now? I can't say enough about these headlights. Eagle Eyes seems to be a top Taiwan company..maybe they were a little shady in the past, but seem more legit these days (publicly traded...don't know if they can get away with those illigitimate headlight dealings anymore). I found them on ebay for $288 shipped to my door and made sure to buy from a seller with 100% positive feedback (if seller not 100%, read the negative review and see if the problem was resolved). Once I wash my car I'll take some pictures....this makes me want to go ahead with with rest of my on black theme.....I've a red car and want to blacken the emblems, roof, and rims with Pastidip