Knocking after car has already been warmed up

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Technical Discussion' started by 2010moneypit?, Nov 12, 2021.

  1. 2010moneypit?

    2010moneypit? Active Member

    Oct 26, 2021
    Beaumont ca
    2010 Prius
    Knocking sound after car has been already been warmed up. The knocking started and then went away. Engine was already warmed up very distinct metal tapping sound that is why I called it knocking.
    A little history Toyota replaced the head gasket and cleaned the EGR, change the plugs all at 150,000. The car now has 190,800
    Do you think possibly it has a bent connecting rod from the head gasket problem? It is strange though the problems seemed to fix itself I have put 150 miles on it since it did the sound. Do you think it’s time for a leak down test? No coolant loss by the way. When the knocking was going on it did not feel like the vehicle was misfiring. No check engine light and I pulled up codes in system none there.