2015 Prius plugin - one key fob (incl laser cut key) was stolen. The thieves have my address. What do I need to replace? Do I need a re-seed of the locking system, even tho I have one key fob? Can the thieves still get in my car with the key they have? If so, what do I do? Can I replace the locking system? Or do I total the car?
Not necessarily the best permanent solution, but the immediate fix for today might be to stop at the local parts store and buy The Club or another device that locks the steering wheel. The ones that also hook behind the brake pedal seem like a good idea, but don't get too complacent. These locks can be defeated if someone cuts through your steering wheel.
What Pluggo said is not a bad idea. You might want to call your insurance company and file a police report if you haven't already. I would not keep any valuables in the car (including personal paperwork) until you get this sorted out.
I forget, does the gen 3 still have the fob disabler switch under the steering wheel or was that just the gen 2? If you have a Homelink or similar device in your car you should disable it. Delete any "home" address in a GPS; or change it to a location away from your house. Park in your garage. Go to DMV and get a new license plate. Install a home security camera that covers where you park it. Instead of totaling it...find someone with a similar car that lives 100 or miles away and do a trade. Or just get the car painted. New plate, new paint --- looks like a new car! But the fob will still unlock it...solution: park a few blocks away and walk or Uber home until you change the lock or get a new car. Mike
you need to go to a locksmith, or dealer if they can't do it. reprogram everything and add another fob. i'm not sure of the details, but it's probably expensive enough to file a claim. how was it stolen?
Shouldn't a dealer or locksmith be able to delete a fob from the memory? Of course, the mechanical door key is a distinct issue.
Well totaling the car seems a bit extreme. If you know the thieves have your address, then I suppose you have to worry about thieves having your address. Which would put everything at risk. But immediately you just want to keep it from them being able to jump in your Prius and drive away. I think eventually...maybe ASAP you are going to have to do as Bisco suggests and reprogram everything. Assuming you can't do it or have it done immediately, then a locked garage helps. Or maybe better, a locked garage of a family or friend at a totally different address. Bad situation, and it may take some money, and time, but you can't be the first person to have had a fob lost or stolen from a purse or something else that identifies address. I think with some reprogramming and expense this problem can be reversed. Good Luck.
Here is a thread with at least two members saying that a fob can be deleted or unregistered, at least in Gen3. We'd hope Gen4 still has the same feature. My Gen 4 Prius key fob got stolen. How to deactivate lost one? | PriusChat
Easily done with a $25 Techstream cable off of Amazon and a laptop. The Techstream cable will allow you to delete all of the registered smart keys in the system other than the one tat you use to enter the Techstream program. Just remember to disable Wi-Fi on the laptop or you will be asked to sign in to the Toyota dealership network. After you delete all but the principal key, you can program in another virgin smart key. The insert key does nothing but to allow one to enter the car. It does not allow the car to be started.