Had issued this weekend. Friday was fine driving home. Was playing with the settings on the Android 4.1.1 head unit but don't think it saved any setting. Now my keyfob doesn't detect. I can't press the start button. Totally weird. I can use the remote to unclock and lock doors without any issue. Scan Guage 2 see 14.3V when engine start. The car is a 2014 Prius Plugin Base. Last night I replaced the CR1632 battery but still doesn't detect. To start the car I have to put the FOB right next to the start button. There is no other prius keys inside the car or close to my cell phone. What setting should I look in Techstream? Any ideas?
try disconnecting the 12v negative for a few minutes, maybe you freaked out the computers. and please update your info when you get a moment.
Might be weak batteries in the FOBs, or a failing 12V AuxBattery. One of the symptoms of failing AuxBat is flakey SmartKey, I found that when the 12V battery failed on my 2009 Gen II (about 18 months ago) I noticed that occasionally the SKS wouldn't work. Good Luck!