Hey folks, I'm in the beginning stages of thinking about changing and old fridge out to a kegerator... My plan is to to take my side by side fridge and set it up to handle two pony kegs. My ultimate hope is to get a corny keg and try my hand at home brewing...And brewing to fill a small keg is, I think, easier than bottling... any thoughts from the home brewers out there.... the down side to this...I loose a lot of space in the basement fridge, which would probably upset the spousal unit...
I know zilch about brewing beer but I will be more than willing to assist you in drinking your first batch!
Before we finally got good beer in Alabama, I was brewing: 2.5 gallon water bottle as disposable, primary fermenter and source of water 1.1 mini-kegs instead of bottles, a lot less inventory to keep up and simpler to deal with canned malt but quality hops and yeast Now, I've switch to distilled spirits as the latent sugar and carb load makes beer impractical for my older, slower metabolism. GOOD LUCK! Bob Wilson