Hello again, Boys & Girls. Well here at the RR Electronics Labs, we are getting ready for a major personal body modification. So we need to modify the car a bit first! In the upcoming weeks I will be having this mod done to me... Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion ... Google it...ouch! In preperation for this surgery, and because I will not be able to drive my Prius for several months after, I needed a way to keep the +12 battery in my Prius at ready levels. When I bought the Prius 3 years ago, I decided to park my 4Runner and just keep its battery topped off. I tried a standard battery charger, NOT, it just helped cook the battery, I tried Solar Charging, what a pipe dream that was. After a period of 6 months, the battery finally died. I then bought a large Optima battery for the 4Runner and this handy little device.. Amazon.com: Ctek Battery Charger #56-158: Automotive Four-step Automatic Battery Charging Cycle There is no need for any specific knowledge of batteries or their charging methods; the Multi US 3300 will take care of it. The Multi US 3300 utilizes a four-step automatic charging cycle. First, patented desulphation functionality allows for possible reconditioning of batteries that have lost significant power due nonuse. This is followed by Bulk Charging, when 80% of charging takes place; then Absorption Charging which completes charging up to virtually 100%; and finally Pulse/Maintenance Charging, in which the battery receives a pulse of electricity when the voltage drops below 95%, keeping the battery in perfect condition indefinitely when it is not used. If the battery is loaded and the battery’s terminal voltage drops to 12.9V the charger automatically switches back to the beginning of the four-step cycle. Also, the Multi US 3300 can be connected for months and it is specifically developed for seasonal vehicles. After installing this charger 2.5 years ago, NO MORE BATTERY PROBLEMS!!! So, lets put a temporary one in the Prius... Here's the little beauty now.. When I purchased mine, I paid $56.00, since prices vary, you may pay more or less, what ever... it's well worth it! I wired it directly to the battery terminals. It has a quick disconnect plug, so removing it is a snap! I found that by wiring it this way I was avoiding the IR loss of the negative lead and chassis. It measured .9 ohms. While this seems quite small, and it is, this will mess with the charger, so to avoid any problems, it's wired directly to + and - terminals. Make sure to mind your polarity. Plus to Plus, Minus to Minus... Hooking it up backwards is BAD Egon! After you button up the tire well, plug the charger in. Hit the mode button until the LED by the car icon lights. That's it. Sit back and have a beer, you do not have to worry about parking your car for extended periods of time. Needless to say, you WILL have to have a source of AC power within an extension cords reach, for this to work ! But when I need it here at home, we're good to go! OK it's working fine, and after a couple of hours the Orange LED on the top row will go out, the Green one next to it will lite. SWEET, a fully charged Optima Battery!!! This will work on whatever brand of battery you have in your car! Since the charger will get warm to the touch, and I believe electronics should run as cool as possible, I mounted the charger to a flat plate of aluminum I had laying around. It's more than adequate as a heat sink. I clamped a vise grip to it so it will stand up. On the 4Runner, I have its charger tie wrapped to the front grill, that charger stays cool always! Just be carefull when you drive away, UNPLUG THE CORD!!!, I have mine set to unplug itself if I forget! I do not have to worry now, a full charge is just a cords length away! Life should be so simple!
I use a large multi-step smart charger for my boat battery. The battery is used for engine starting and house power. We are just entering our 11th season with this same battery, while many owners struggle to get a year or two out of a battery. Smart charging is the key. That and not abusing your battery. Tom
Is there a maintainer that plugs into the cigarette lighter/power connector? I have modded mine to be on even when car is off.
Thank you to the OP for this thread and recommedation of using the ctek smart charger. I will definately get it if I can somehow find one in Melbourne. I just have a coule of questions as below: 1) Do you need to disconnect the car's +ve and -ve leads from the battery before hooking the smart charger +ve and -ve terminals to the battery? 2) If you do disconnect the battery from the car, does it harm the HV battery? I.e. does it discharge faster or any long term ill-effect? 3) If you do not need to disconnect the battery from the car, does it harm HV battery in any way? My requirement is to keep the battery topped up for a 2 to 4 weeks down time due to travels for work and extended holidays.
DH bought a small solar panel battery tender thing that he plugs into the 12V point in the Buick, which keeps that battery charged up - the Buick gets used once a month or less (we really, seriously, need to sell it). Question is, will the Prius accept 12V charging the same way?
i would guess that the prius will charge jsut like any other car with the solar plugin into the cig lighter. as long as the cig lighter still works when the car is off, aka will it light a cig?? when car is off, then it is hotwired to the battery at all times, and thus a solar charger will charge it.
KK6PD, one simple question, why not set the mode button to motorcycle, the prius battery is WAY smaller than a car battery, much more similar to a cycle battery. does the manual state any battery size ranges for each mode?? CCA or Mah etc. or just tell you select car motorcycle or snowflake?? whats the snowflake for?
While this is a hot topic may as well ask - this summer I'll be driving very rarely, if ever, over 7 weeks or so. Without nearby access to an outlet in the parking lot where it'll be, is simply disconnecting the 12v sufficient to preserve the charge, or does it still run down a good deal somehow?
Disconnecting it will work.If you have the smart key system turn it off with the switch under the steering column. You could take the battery indoors and plug the maintainer in. Hal