Bisco, are you prepared to do without the good and services we get from the gulf coast? My favorite Katrina story I was in Clarksdale MS, some 200 miles inland from the coast and we got about 150 evacuees. We put them up in the county Expo Center. Meals the first three days are MRE from the closets and bunkers of the Christian Bikers. They had laid in supplies for the end of civilization. They realized that this is not the end of our civilization but it could be for the evacuees. A years meals for one guy will feed 150 for 2 days. By the third day, the churches were organized enough to start feeding covered dish suppers for 150. But day one, the motorcyclists were the good Samaritans. Clarksdale CVB Meal, Ready-to-Eat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia SADDLEBAG EVANGELIST, Clarksdale, Mississippi: "Changing the World, One Heart at a Time": Christian Motorcyclists Association
that's a great story, i'm sure there were many like it. am i prepared to do without? i'd be a hypocrit if i wern't. i have to admit tho, i may not be aware of them all.