I admit I don't really get the attraction of those threads that you post something with however many words specified...but that's OK, I don't get a lot of stuff. But what I think would be interesting is either a 'just 10 words' thread where each one had to be a complete sentence by commonly accepted rules and related to the post before in some way and maybe a Haiku thread...likewise following the rules of a Haiku and relating to the previous post. That would add some challenge and really be a test of creativity. Still not sure how much I'd participate, but it's food for thought for those of you who like these things.
Again, it's not really may 'thing'...thought I'd toss the idea out and see if any of you guys that regularly participate felt it was worth while.
One of my pet peeves are what I will judgmentally call garbage haikus: Little things that people pass off as haikus because they have the specified number of syllables. It seems to me we've had a haiku thread before. But maybe that was a different chat board. Like Evan, I don't see the appeal to the X words threads. So I'm not going to be the one to start another. But here's a suggestion: Every post has to be exactly 57 words, with a total of 121 syllables, divided into 8 lines, which may be of any length, but the first word in each line must alliterate on an ABAB pattern. Of course, the OP should explain these rules in a manner that conforms to the rules. I think these kinds of threads show that some people are bored and are looking for ways to kill a few minutes. But then, I probably kill more time uselessly on this board than most other posters.
When I read the title, and before I read the thread, I was thinking...xylophone...maximum...xenophobic...uh, how about P words?
What would be fun (in theory) is a thread where people can only post X number of words in a thread, BUT: The combined posts have to tell a story. When it works, it's wonderful. However, more often it devolves into just kind of random randomness (example: the three-or-less line story thread we recently had), which is why I haven't started said thread (although if someone else wants try it, go for it).
Another one that can be quite fun (in theory and in practice) is a double association game where each person posts a word and a picture, the word is related to the word in the previous post and the picture related to the picture in the previous post. Occasionally the word and picture in the same post are related. Its pretty fun, perhaps because it appeals to the visual types as well as the high verbals. So for example an initial post might be: Media and the next one might be: Meditate Interested Evan?
The board software will not allow you to post an empty post. I'm sure such a thread would be very popular, though.
I'm impressed. I guess a space qualifies as a non-empty post. So now we can have a "Zero Words" thread if anybody wants to start one.
That was my first thought, but then I was thinking it was the game where someone writes a sentence and leaves a couple of "xxxxx" places for a word or words to be filled in by others. For instance . . . I "xxxxx" my Prius. Every time I "xxxxx" it, I get "xxxxx." . . . . could be made to read . . . "I wash my Prius. Every time I finish hand drying it, I get an urge to take it for a drive to Peet's Coffee to 'air dry' the brakes."