Someone once claimed it's 2006... Yet this sort of thing still goes on....
We sure like to close our eyes to what's going on in Africa. The atrocities there, in some ways, make many of the crimes of the Holocaust look mild. Here's another article from one of my ER journals that'll turn your stomach: “That’s where the International Criminal Court is trying that general for using child soldiers,” I said, trying to show that Americans do know about world affairs. “What’s that all about?” I asked. “They go into villages and force the little boys to rape and murder their parents. Then, when the boys can never return to their homes, they assimilate them into the army,” he explained. I was on business with the Marine Corps so it was easy to compare these ‘soldiers’ to the battle hardened troops that I’d worked with in combat situations. But why an army of children. “What good is it to have a military made up of little boys?” I asked, shaking my head. “Oh, you don’t understand,” he went on. “These little boys are killing machines. They are completely anti-social and amoral. The army is their only family. They don’t even seem to have any moral conception of suffering and death.” “I recently had a confrontation with one of these ‘soldiers’” he recalled with cold detachment. “He was smoking a joint, had a bottle of whisky in one hand, and was pointing a Kalashnikov rifle at me. The look in his eye was completely devoid of humanity. Then he added chillingly, “If I could have, I would have killed him on the spot.””
WAIT, I thought bad things only happen in America.......other countries ALL are better than being here. (YES, SARCASM)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Schmika @ May 24 2006, 11:08 AM) [snapback]260314[/snapback]</div> No, not ALL, SOME (NO, SARCASM)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ May 24 2006, 10:19 AM) [snapback]260298[/snapback]</div> It’s called Human Nature and it been going on for as long as you think humans have existed and will continue as long as there are humans. Nothing will ever stop it. That’s why I’m glade that I live in the USA where it is kept somewhat to a minimum and that’s why I don’t complain about paying all my due takes, even though I may not like everything that it is spent on. Are we really an intelligent species? I wonder! :huh: Grasshopper
Thing is, crap like that CAN be put to bed, it's only a matter of the right people taking interest and applying pressure to certain areas of what, most assuredly, is a complicated situation, which at it's core is likely nothing more than two kids quabbling about who gets to play with the new shiny red fire engine. Hell, if I had a private jet, I'd take the chance, and fly through their airspace low and fast, and drop as much small arms and munitions to all those women as I could, or something amongst those lines with effective equivalence... Places like that, I don't really think you can simply send money to without it getting intercepted in some fashion...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ May 24 2006, 07:27 AM) [snapback]260302[/snapback]</div> You can thank King Leopold and his attrocities for setting this up. This is not the normal state of humanity, but certainly is a very low point. "Civilized" europeans created this state of affairs and left this horrible legacy. It's Belgium's big skeleton in the closet. Arrogant imperialism and slavery at its worst. also worth reading: King Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild
i remember reading somewhere about an anti-rape female condom for women in africa. i wonder what happened to that product?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ May 24 2006, 12:32 PM) [snapback]260378[/snapback]</div> It's called a Kalishnakof. h34r:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ May 24 2006, 12:32 PM) [snapback]260378[/snapback]</div> Galaxee heres the article: KLEINMOND: A South African inventor has unveiled a new anti-rape female condom that hooks onto an attacker's penis and aims to cut one of the highest rates of sexual assault in the world. "Nothing has ever been done to help a woman so that she does not get raped and I thought it was high time," Sonette Ehlers, 57, said of the "rapex", a device worn like a tampon that has sparked controversy in a country used to daily reports of violent crime. Police statistics show more than 50,000 rapes are reported every year, while experts say the real figure could be four times that as they say most rapes of acquaintances or children are never reported. Ehlers said the "rapex" hooks onto the rapist's skin, allowing the victim time to escape and helping to identify perpetrators. "He will obviously be too pre-occupied at this stage," she told reporters in Kleinmond, a small holiday village about 100km east of Cape Town. "I promise you he is going to be too sore. He will go straight to hospital." The device, made of latex and held firm by shafts of sharp barbs, can only be removed from the man through surgery which will alert hospital staff, and ultimately, the police, she said. It also reduces the chances of a woman falling pregnant or contracting Aids and other sexually transmitted diseases from the attacker by acting in the same way as a female condom. South Africa has more people with HIV/Aids than any other country, with one in nine of its 45 million population infected. Ehlers, who showed off a prototype yesterday, said women had tried it for comfort and it had been tested on a plastic male model but not yet on a live man. Production was planned to start next year. But the "rapex" has raised fears amongst anti-rape activists that it could escalate violence against women. "If a victim is wearing such a device it may enrage the attacker further and possibly result in more harm being caused," said Sam Waterhouse, advocacy co-ordinator for Rape Crisis. Other critics say the condom is mediaeval and barbaric – an accusation Ehlers says should be directed rather at the act of rape. "This is not about vengeance ... but the deed, that is what I hate," she said OMG!!! They have to remove it with surgery and you wouldnt want to insert it inside out! :blink: :huh: They ought to sell those world wide for all women, then the rapists would then be found out in the fields with the sheep.. :lol: :lol: I know, that was Baaaad. :lol: :lol:
Problem with that is, in a place like that, I really don't think the person committing the rape would think twice about just killing the woman if he got hurt in that respect...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ May 24 2006, 12:51 PM) [snapback]260424[/snapback]</div> This is definately bad. All bad everywhere is directly linked back to GWBush in some way or the other. Should I just trust that it was GW's fault, or can we get some liberal scholars on here to help connect the dots for us?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daronspicher @ May 28 2006, 05:31 PM) [snapback]262126[/snapback]</div> EDITED because I was needlessly rude. All I wanted to say is that an attitude like that does noone (least of all your cause) any good.