I just drove my new Prius home from the dealer. It's a Driftwood Pearl 05 package 4 and I'm already in love. I have to say that this was the most pleasurable car buying experience I've ever had. I waited about a month for the car which really isn't that bad. I have to admit that even with test driving another Prius last month and then doing a small drive on this one before actually taking possession of it, I still wasn't prepared for the complete silence when I stopped at stop lights and at stop signs. It's kinda freaky but I'm sure as heck gonna enjoy music in my car a lot more. The other freaky thing was the silence as I backed up a little to get the car in line with the garage doors--on gravel--heck I didn't know gravel actually sounded like that when car tires are on it I'm thinking that when I take my father for a drive this evening, backing it out of the garage is going to freak him out a little bit with the complete lack of engine noise! babs in Lebanon PA
Yikes! I've had my Prius, the same as yours - Driftwood Pearl with option 4 for about 1 month now. I live in New Hope Pa. and I bought in Doyestown - I waited about 3 1/2 weeks! I also couldn't be happier - I love driving it - about 75 miles a day commuting. I'm sure you'll love yours even more the more you drive. I've consistently gotten 50 - 52 MPG - both the display and calculated MPG are pretty close, at least for me. So far I can honestly say this is the best new car I've purchased. Regards, Kevin