"Bought" in quotes b/c I just paid a $500 deposit to get on a (worst-case scenario) 6-month waiting list for the Prius. I am so excited! The lease on my current car doesn't expire until then anyway so I can wait. I asked for Tideland Pearl, but does anyone know where I can find pictures of Priuses in different colors? Seems like everyone has silver so I didn't want to get that (no offense Silverados). My first impulse was the blue, and I'm kinda diggin' the black too. At first I wasn't sure about the blue, but different pictures I've seen seem to show the blue in all sorts of different shades. I've done Google searches and I pretty much just want to compare the different colors on the cars. Not the pictures that are posted by Toyota or the different car publications b/c they're not taken in natural light. Let me know. Thanks. 8)
I see you already found the tideland green photo thread, so I won't direct you there. Have fun browsing, chances are pretty good someone here has answers to all of your questions. Welcome!
I originally ordered Blue until I saw the Tideland in person. They're both nice colors, however. Best thing you could do is find a dealer who's got demo's and see if they have the colors in person.
My dealer just called me... she had a SOLD blue one on the lot that I might like to take a look at. I went tonight to view it. It was an excellent blue, and the pictures online don't do it justice. It had a hint of grey in it to make it look very chiseled and distinguished. It was not "over-blue". The darker color really highlighted the car's shape, definition and curves I liked it. I also like the Tideland which I have not yet viewed in person I saw a white one today that looked nice, but it looked to me at least that the car's shape was somewhat lost. Others I know really like the white. Never seen a black one but it looks good in the pictures.... how hot in the sun though??? Chris
my first choice is salsa, followed by driftwood, but i told my dealer that i would probably be interested in any of the metallic colors, they are all pretty nice. anything but black or white, which i am to lazy to keep clean. actually, the driftwood falls into the color set that i have found easiest to keep decent looking. but the salsa is SOOO sharp!
Exactly - black basically sucks in the summertime. I've seen a few on the streets and they look great b/c the way the taillights are designed, they really contrast and are highlighted by the black. I believe Toyota and its sister company Lexus make the best lights in the business. Thanks for all your comments guys. Tideland Green looks great though - I think that's what I'll be going with.
Definitely take a look at the PriusChat Photo Album -- there are some good pics in the General Pictures, Prius Gatherings and Users Personal Galleries. The Prius Gatherings also has some different colored Prii side-by-side.
I am just full of bad news for you today. Where did you place this order?? I search all over the DC metro area and couldnt find a 2004. 355 toyota in MD told me july, but then someone let slip that I was going to be the 17 person on their list (by their own saying they get at most 4 cars a month). I phoned around a found my car in WV and three wakes later she is in my driveway. If you are willing to drive a few hours, call advantage toyota in WV. You will have the car by july if you use them.
I actually got a 2005. I test drove the Prius at Arlington VA Toyota and "purchased" the car at Alexandria VA Toyota (Old Town). I don't need a car right away because my current car's lease doesn't expire until September. However, talking to the Alexandria dealer, which is the volume dealership in the area, he told me that the way Toyota allocates the cars is based on number of sales and b/c Alexandria sells a ton of Priuses, they get the most cars in the area. While all of the Toyota dealerships have wait lists of several months, and any order placed today would be for a 2005 model, Alexandria gets a lot of cars, so he promised me that I could get the color and package I want when my lease expires. Six months was the worst case scenario, but it will definitely be several months wait. That being said, a wait list of 17 is good! The Arlington guy told me that the wait list there was 71!! (Or maybe that was Alexandria) And as you probably know, they require a $500 refundable deposit from you if you want to be on the wait list, so that's 71 people who paid $500 each to get on the list. The guy also told me that of all the time he's worked there, only 2 people have ever pulled out of the list. One was a diplomat who was supposed to be here for a while, but unexpectedly was called back to his native country. And then the second person got in a car accident and was permanently disabled.
As far as I know, the 2005s won't be out until October, if they follow the same roll-out time frame as the 04s. Just a heads up so you're not planning on having it when your lease is up and then be without a car until the 05s come off the boat. By the way, welcome to PriusChat!
Thanks! Hmmm...I told the dealer that my lease ended in September and he didn't say that would be a problem. I think it ends 9/28 so I'll have people tool me around or extend my lease for a month. Maybe some places get it earlier?
In regards to the black - It was one of my last choices in color, until I was offered one. The more I thought about it, the more I thought "Eh, I'll live with black, the car's cool enough". Now, I'd have it no other way. Is it harder to keep clean? Yes, but I think this is good - you should be washing your new car once a week, and when the black is clean - it *shines*. The black is extraordinary, and I'd never change my mind on the decision I made if I had a chance to. As far as it being hot, on our few days where we were up in the high 80s low 90s here in NoVA, it really wasn't noticably more hot than my blue neon I had. Actually, cooler, because when you turn on the a/c in this car, regardless of color, it does an amazing job of recirculating the air quickly to cool it down very fast. Regardless, I'm suprised you have yet to hear someone say "take it whatever color you can get!" because that's most people's feelings on this board. After all, you don't see the color from the inside, which is where you'll be wanting to spend most of your time anyways. Congrats though on your choice! -m.
I have a black one and I'm very happy with it. To me it looks a bit different from the other colors. All the Trim bits are black, to the black has a nice 'monochrome' look the other's don't. To my eye the lines of the car look cleaner and indeed a little different in black. The black trim seems to 'chop up' the lines with the other colors. I was a bit disappointed to learn that it wasn't clear coat (The dealer told me it was). But, I have to clear up a misconception here. Black Prii DO NOT GET DIRTIER THAN OTHER PRII They may show dirt more, but they do not have any special built in dirt-magnet like Pigpen from Peanuts These slurs on the cleanliness of Black Prii are unwarranted!!!
I saw my first 'live' Seaside yesterday about 7PM. This was the first time I didn't mind that it takes some time to get out of this restaraunt's parking lot as it was the outermost car. It wasn't as brilliant a blue as I've seen posted here (Dr. Fusco's for example). At a distance (about 50') I first thought it was a Tideland due to the gray cast, expecting the Seaside to be much brighter. But it was clearly a blue-gray, not green-gray. I would agree with the term 'distinguished'. I wonder if the color shift has to do with the flatter light and when the sun is higher it would have the brighter tone seen here. The analogy that came to mind was a woman dressed in bright colors to go dancing, and the darker shade to go to a formal affair
Seaside Pearl was my first choice and I was delighted to get it. Almost everyone who sees the car comments on the color. I saw a blue Prius at the first dealer I went to and was hooked. The brochure doesn't give you much of a sense of the colors. The Tideland Pearl is more grey than green, depending on the lighting. It was my second choice and, after seeing one in person, I would have been happy with it. I would describe the blue as about the color of a glacier fed stream, or the blue part of the sky about half an hour after sunset. You should get used to the idea of any of the colors if you want to increase your chances of getting into a Prius. I would guess that you'd be ok with any color after you'd had the car for a while. Bob