Just signed paperwork on a 2006 Prius. It will be replacing a 2003 pt cruiser. There are alot of emotions in that old car, but it is time to replace it. The 2006 has more mile than I wanted, 155k, however it does have all the options I wanted. It has navigation and the rear view camera. I maybe overpaid at 9900 or so. Seemed within reason to a little high. The other ones I could have had in this town were all at least 2-4000 more and with less options. I don't know if there is much difference between a 2007 with 112k, less options though, and what I am getting. Also I will have this one paid off in less than 3 years so it fits with my overall goals to reduce debt. I am sure I will have more questions once I bring it home. But I just wanted to say I am joining the club.