I have a family member in Japan.. The japanese have the DC quick charge right? I was thinkking what's to stop me from shipping a japanese version over? Like if my family member was claiming he was moving here and bringing his car with him?
Cost. Making the car conform US regulations (not to mention transport costs). Safety. Right hand drive vehicles are more difficult to drive safely in a left hand drive world (a minor to major concern depending on actual vs perceived driving skills).
For the most obvious problem, you would have to drive on the right-handed steering wheel. If you live in UK or Aussie, then it is not a problem. Or you are planning to drive it for USPS delivery, then it will be fine. But otherwise, I don't think it's worth it. To be honest, unless you happen to live in an area with available free CHAdeMO charging stations, it is not likely to be very useful for the US market anyway. You still would have to recharge, every ~25 miles driven. And for what costs???
Car half’s or disassembled cars Can be legally sent as parts fully functional cars need to have a speed limiter installed alongside conforming lighting by a registered importer to allow them in. Getting road legal is another loop after that, full speed is impossible unless you crash test a bunch of examples That said the law is wrong, poorly thought out and should be overturned.
Importing a Motor Vehicle | U.S. Customs and Border Protection Importing Vehicles and Engines into the United States | US EPA There are even details like the asymmetrical headlights for driving on the left vs. driving on the right. It can be done...but can get really expensive.