Has anyone found a jackstand adapter pad that fits the Prius pinch weld so that the edge of the pinch weld doesn't get dinged up by having the weight of the car rest on it? There are some slotted adapters for jacks for this purpose (they look like slotted hockey pucks), but I haven't found anything like this for jackstands. Both Protech and Harbor Freight sell plastic or rubber protective covers for jackstands, but neither has a slot deep enough to encompass the pinch weld. Harbor Freight sells some jackstands with slots in them but when I looked at them in the store, it didn't look like they would fit the Prius well. Toyota refers to using a slotted plastic pinch weld adapter in the service documentation. Does anyone know if that part is available from Toyota? Thanks!
Rich, thanks for posting. I have thought about making my own out of scrap wood. Now I just need to buy a floor jack.
Yes, if you care, you could use a circular saw to cut a vertical slot into a couple pieces of scrap 2x4 wood. As a practical matter, unless you are trying to keep your car ready for display at a car show where you have a mirror under the car, I find that using 2x4 wood without a slot does no apparent damage.
I found the exact issue. So now I jack up the front of the car on the hard tie down hooks under the front of the car. There right in front of each front wheel and support the car fine while jacking. Then I use jack stands that have the notch in them on the pinch welds.