Dear Digest, ... a scintillating, uplifting, refreshing diversion from week IV, of your WW III amusement and merriment: Are You Woke Enough To Get Into An Elite Ivy League School? Take The Quiz! | The Babylon Bee ex-oh ex-oh, - Samuel, 04 Ruthiemobile
Oh no, I crashed and burned! I'm heartbroken that I cannot have a $332,000 debt from Harvard for my BS in Folklore and Mythology!!!
I had fun with the trig question (DEF is mostly a red herring btw), but that's a web site with a chip on it's shoulder, no?
The site itself is very open about being "the world’s best satire site, totally inerrant in all its truth claims" ... in case anyone hadn't guessed just from thinking about an "official entrance exam used by top schools!". On the other hand, the ad from the sponsor of the piece, "Ascend by Unbound", starts off with the words "NOT SATIRE:" followed by a suggestion that "traditional higher education" leaves you with "no relevant work experience to show for the last 4+ years." It's followed by a little infographic for Unbound that even promises you can "earn an accredited bachelor's degree"! Which, it turns out, you can do ... by applying from your Ascend program to an actual accredited school. So yeah, I guess I'd agree that part is something other than satire.