...that is, time for me to be gone for 11 days. I'm giving everyone a couple of days' notice, so you can all say "Bye" before I go. I leave Wednesday morning for a 10-day (plus Wed, plus a morning at the end...) silent meditation retreat that I do pretty much every year at this time. It's called Vipassana meditation, and I sit at a retreat center here in WA state. I'll be spending 10 hours per day in meditation, for each of the 10 days. I'll be home again on Dec 5th.
Oh, but think of all the animal carcasses you'll miss seeing on the table...and all those relatives you could be explaining your philosophies to. Have a good trip.
Have fun. I guess that's not really the idea. May you accomplish your goals. I found this. Maybe the hardest part for me would be the no exercise rule. Though the Noble Silence would be a struggle for me also. Do you have to maintain a certain body posture? Sitting cross-legged for more than a few minutes at a time is painful for me. I took a meditation class once and they allowed us to sit in a cushioned chair if we chose. Some people sat cross-legged on the floor, and some sat cross-legged on a cushion. I hope it goes well for you. When you get back I'll be away for a bit. I hope the bad weather doesn't make it hard for you to get to the place.
A lot of people can't walk their talk. U r definitely not in that category. Have a great think Rene!! See ya soon
Daniel - The "no exercise" means no vigorous, noisy, obvious exercise. There is walking. I do lots of walking while I'm there. I also have my own set of exercises that I have to do to maintain mobility. They are very accommodating as far as sitting. I take my own zabuton and zafu, but I will end up spending more time in a chair, due to my limitations. They are good with that. The important thing is to sit quietly. I value this retreat every year, because it works like a reset or reboot for me. All the craziness of life just gets to drop away, I don't need to worry about anything, I don't have to take care of anything, just reconnect with myself and the universe, and realize that everything is transitory. Everything passes away. It's a very empowering thing - and, it helps me sharpen my focus. Thinking becomes this incredibly powerful tool again, rather than thoughts scattering and being distractible. I should do this more often, really.
It's the vigorous exercise (aerobic) that I need at least 4 times a week. Walking is excellent. But I need to get my pulse into the aerobic zone for half an hour. It's too bad they cannot provide for that option. I understand the benefits of meditation. But the body needs a circulatory ramp-up on a regular basis as well. Do you need to have some prior meditation experience before going there? I can imagine someone going for the first time and finding that ten hours of meditation a day is a lot harder than they thought.
No prior meditation experience is required. I did, however, have some prior experience. I do meet true newbies there, though, every year. They all tell me, at the end, that they loved it.
Good to know that you are home safely. I hope that the time spent away was beneficial.......Welcome back!!:welcome: