I can't believe that it has been seven weeks since I purchased my Prius. Time really flies when you are having fun! With just over 2000 miles on it now, I am not sure that the "novelty" will ever wear off. My wife told my daughter the other day, "I can't believe how much fun and how silly your father is acting over this car." Yes, it is a fun car, isn't it? I am taking my first trip tomorrow to Danville, Va., a distance of over just 200 miles each way, and am anxious to see how the mileage does. I have been averaging from the low to mid 50's since I bought my Prius. I am also surprised to see the number of "ham radio operators" on this forum who own Prius', including me, WB4GQA. I guess we all like the "technical" aspects of the car. Thanks to all for the information that I have gathered from this Forum. A lot of useful and helpful information is to be found. Our local dealer is having a "Prius Welcome" the middle of the month for new Prius owners, which will include snacks and beverages. I am really looking forward to attending and think it is a nice gesture on their part.
Though most of the novelty has subsided for me, I still enjoy driving it more than any other car I have ever owned. Enjoy the trip.