I have a 2013 Prius 2 and have been using my iPhone 6 through USB connection to listen to music and whatnot. I prefer this over the Bluetooth connection, which seems to have a different sound quality and requires my stereo volume to be set higher than with the USB iPod connection. Lately I’ve been having issues- basically the car won’t connect to my phone anymore. Had the same issue a few months ago, then it seemed to go away and was working so-so. Basically it ‘changed’ a little, example is there was now a delay when changing songs with the Prius controls when there wasn’t really one before. It would also randomly stop and say it wasn’t a compatible device, but was functioning (?) Today I can’t connect at all, but yesterday I could. Bluetooth functions just fine for my music, phone calls and using voice text, etc. I didn’t do any iPhone updates in the last few days either, but did do an update last week I think. Currently on iOS 11.2.6 with an iPhone 6.
Update: things are working again somehow. I didn't realize my wife had swapped out my iphone cord one day a few weeks ago. Swapped in my old one that has a broken sheathing on it -- somehow that 5yr old partially broken cord works fine, but the new cord doesn't. Tried it out with another newer cord and same issue. I'm stumped as to why the newer cord doesn't work. These are Apple cords that came with phones, not aftermarket