Someone posted this article here, and I read through it. What's the veracity of this publication/investigation? Should we all be very seriously concerned? Is this mag known for stirring things up with thin investigative/reporting credentials? Seattle News - The Flip Side of the Perfect Prius - page 1 (Note: this article appears to pertain to the Gen-II, but if true, they may pertain to us as well) Most of all, what do you guys make of these claims - please provide solid reason to refute them if that's the position that you'll take. It is not hard to imagine that drive-by-wire would be more complex than the old technique by orders of magnitude, but when I opted for it, I did so with the hope that prior to production, this technology might have passed very stringent standards of testing. Also I didn't hear anyone airing any doubts about the basics like drive and brake at/before the time of my purchase (not counting the current investigation with the software brake issue).
As I suspected the source of this article is noted in the wit. Let's put this ( bolded test into perspective ). - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia From Wiki... It's a fishnet for dissatisfied people to complain. It feeds scum-sucking lawyers who are looking for potential new clients for class action lawsuits.
You might take a closer look at your cites for that "information": Also from Wikipedia, the (or Cybercast News Service), formerly called the Conservative News Service, is an American news website owned by the Media Research Center. [1] The crime of omission is that zealots edit Wikipedia for whatever political purpose at hand. I would put a lot more stock in a local, independent weekly newspaper than I would in CNS, a front for Neoconservatives, the Bush Right and other knee-jerk reactionaries. I still hope Toyota stock bounces back ...
When an article cites "critics of" with no specific references and no rebuttal from the defendant, it's not journalism - it's rumor-spreading. At times, this article is some of both - making it completely useless.