Hello My Prius IV came with door edge guards, but there's also what appears to be a similar clear plastic protector over the rear bumper -- but no Prius logo. Didn't really want the logo anyway, but is this the applique or is this standard on all bumpers? Pic attached thanks
Is there "Prius" printed in the center of that applique? The factory one comes with Prius printed on it. Otherwise if it has no text then it is an aftermarket applique. Mike
The Prius applique is the clear plastic film protector, same as what you have on your rear bumper less the Prius logo. So you have the rear bumper applique.
The Prius applique has the word "Prius" in it. Anything else is not the Toyota accessory. You may have paint protectant film on it instead.
Thanks for the input everyone. After looking closer at the car and the accessory descriptions on Toyota's webpage, I bet it is more of an aftermarket paint protection film, not the genuine appliqué. I also don't think the door guards I mentioned are the true door guards -- which are described as formed stainless steel covered in thermoplastic and matched to the car's color. What are on the edges of my doors is similar to the clear protection film on the bumper. Also this film is applied inside the handle areas, so fingernails and such once scratch the paint when you reach in. I didn't pay for an applique or the door guards, so that's fine. I like having the protection that's on there though.
JimN, thats good to know, thanks. By the way, anyone have experience with Toyota's Paint Protection film that goes on the hood & fenders? Better options out there like clear bra? Not sure I'm interested in putting either on the car but wondering about them