I apologize if this is in the wrong place... I'm about to get my license and my mother has said that as long as I keep my grades up, can pay for insurance, etc. she'll let me have any reasonably-priced car I pick. I've wanted a Prius for as long as I can remember, so I was thinking of a 2010 or 2011 base model. I've also looked at the C-max and the Insight. The only thing I'm concerned about is that my relatives have a 2002 Prius that they still drive today, but I know they've had trouble with the battery. They got it fixed and haven't had a problem since, but they did have to pay for a new one. I want to get a car that I can drive until I can afford to purchase a second-about ten to twelve years from now-and I'm wondering if a Prius will "last" that long. Thanks!
Welcome to the forum! A Prius as the first choice of a new young driver is unusual to me. Seem like most kids want "go fast" cars or off road trucks and Jeeps. I know both my sons were all about "performance", one has a Mustang Gt and the other a Dodge Charger "Hemi", I can tell you this its been a few years now and with the cost of insurance , maintaince and gas they wish more and more that they had my Prius. I think your choice is a great one and buying a 2010 or newer Gen lll Prius is a great choice for reliability and cost savings. Depending on how much you drive you should get 150,000- 200,000 miles out of it with no major problems, for me thats 4 -6 years for you it might be 10+
The problem your relatives had with the battery was probably the 12v battery in the trunk, not the high voltage traction battery. The battery in the trunk typically lasts about 6 years, so that was typical.
My 2010 Prius has 96,000 miles and I have had zero issues. It was 3 years old in Oct. My last Toyota lasted 305,000 miles over 10 years. My Prius is 1/3 down that path now. I expect to get the same results with this car.
+1, the traction battery should last longer than your typical 12v battery. Besides I believe the traction battery factory warranty covers it for 8 years? Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
It's not. Your mom is a very smart lady. Right now.....keeping your grades up and developing and maintaining good study habits are THE BEST way to ensure that you don't have to fix phones for a living like I do. Poor people have poor choices. Lecture concluded. Thanks for pretending to listen. I've got 35,000 of stick time in a G3 (Third Generation or 2010+ Prius) They're great for longevity, very flexible to own since they're a hatchback, and cheap to operate. LEARN how to PROPERLY use side and rear-view mirrors and spend a little time getting to know where the corners are.....and you'll be parking like a valet pro in no time! I noticed that you didn't list your location....which on the internet....is SMART. You might live in a CARB state. If you do...the hybrid components are covered a period of time that is longer than the OEM (Manufacturer) warranty. It's easy to look this up. Don't sweat the battery!!! Worst case is that you have to replace it about year 8 or 9...mileage dependant. They're not that expensive used (check eBay) and all of the other maintenance is easy to do. (check YouTube) If you get one and keep it for 5-10 years??? The Prius will be cheaper to operate than just about ANY OTHER car you can get. So have I. Your mom said "reasonable". For you that means used. There aren't many used Insights out there (meaning the newer ones) because there aren't that many sold. There's a reason for this!! Actually??? For 19,000 a newer Insight isn't a bad car. The Prius is just a much better car. I'm biased, but I'm also not a Prius owner...my car is a COMPANY car, so I don't have 25,000 reasons to tell you that it's a better (or worse) car than it really is. TIFWIW. It will...if you take care of it. And...You're Welcome.
The Insight is a great car. When compared to the 2nd gen Insight, the 3rd gen Prius is slightly pricier, higher mpg, drives more like a spaceship than a conventional car, has more tech features (across all models), and has considerably better looks (IMO). That was my assessment after test driving both cars and going with the Toyota.
With Mom paying for the car, the Prius is a great buy because it will last and have lower costs to keep it on the road. My issue with buying a Prius is that you pay more on the front end (purchase price) but make it up on the back end (less cost for gas/repairs), than say a Corolla or Honda Fit or similar decent gas milage cars. You won't have the front end cost issue. But you might want to check with your insurance company first to find out the cost for insurance. If your Mom is financing it, you'll need full coverage. If you are leasing it, the insurance can get pretty high. Check that against the insurance costs for other cars you might be looking at. And a quick story: That's the same deal my brother made with his son when the son went to college. The son's grades dropped and my brother donated the car to charity. Surprise. Mike
have you considered corolla or civic? if you're going to keep it beyond warrant, there can be some very expensive fixes as your relatives found out. all the best!
Does your mom have a budget in mind for your car? Prius or Insights should last a long time with regular maintenance. If you find one you like, have it checked out thoroughly if not buying from a Toyota or Honda dealer. Mine is going on 40k and looks and rides just like new. My brother has an older Civic Hybrid with over 220,000 miles. New tires, regular oil changes are just about all he's done since new. He told me he hasn't replaced the original spark plugs yet (a bit over due? lol) but he still get's over 45 mpg.