Hi everyone: I found a package 3 where the local Columbus dealership says they have backorders for 42 cars. The salesman told me they got two from another dealership but they paid $500.00 over invoice for them so they are asking $26,990.00. They won't be here for a week. They also said Toyota is increasing their sticker price on June 1st by $400.00 to $600.00. I agreed to a price but gave no money down and now I'm wondering if what they told me was true or not. Unfortunately I was shocked when I went in and they had none as the website showed inventory. They were insanely busy, I couldn't even get waited on. I knew pricing for the package two and six but not the three as I didn't consider it and now after looking at the group think I made a mistake. It sounded about right but I still paid over sticker for the car. Is Toyota increasing price? Do they pay extra for a car from another dealership or did I fall for a money grab?
The prius is all of a sudden almost as elusive as it was in 2004 - 2006. Simple supply and demand here. When the demand is high and the supply is low you raise prices until the demand catches back up. Just as last year when the supply was extremely high early in the year they were running incentives in most places. If you have the ability to wait, then ride out the summer before buying a Prius people quickly forget about the higher summer gas prices in the winter and you may be able to get a much better deal this Nov - March. But then again maybe not. Every time the price of gas goes up so does Prius Demand.
Supply has definitely dropped. I got lucky on finding mine a few weeks ago...i got it for cheap, but the day i bought they sold their remaining 2 for MSRP and 500 over MSRP.... So yeah, paying sticker or up isnt rare right now. And toyota IS raising base prices on all priuses by 1.8% ($400) in mid may. They announced it on May 2.
Can I scalp my Prius? Just kidding of course, but it is nice to feel that as I drive it that I am not only saving money in gas costs, but also that the car is not depreciating very fast.
Back in the 1980s, when I bought my Honda CRX, the demand was much greater than the supply. I paid $1,000 over list because that's what the dealers charged. A grand over list might not sound too bad, but the car only cost $8,000. That would be like $3,000 over list on a Prius. Tom