I have avoided updating my car because its driving fine and still gets 45 mpg effectively its been stupid reliable compaired to other gen 3 priuses. I drive it like a mad man with no sense pounding that hybrid hard its never gave up or stalled. So in short the dealer is calling and sending muliple letters to bring it in. In my wisdom its no brainer but... i dont want my car jacked up meaning i dont trust the hidden fixes like less hp or major drops in mpg. In short i dont want to mess a good thing up lol. The only issue is in the summer when its hot its only happen three times it has bogged down taking off on the highway but it was because the hybrid battery got over heated from sitting 100 plus degrees which i would assume is normal since current drops as heat rises on wire its basic physics. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Has your car had the E0E recall done? That's the one that changes some MG ECU code in ways that people have reported to reduce their satisfaction with their cars (howbeit sometimes based on butt-dynos and/or cavalier approaches to the very statistically challenging business of comparing MPGs over time). If that hasn't been done already, then this recall includes it. But if that one was already done, then this one is nothing but fixing the bug that could leave you power-off in traffic at some point. It's good that you haven't experienced that. It actually never does happen before the first time. Have you checked your firmware revs to see if you already have the ones from E0E?