I want the remote to lock automatically when the remote moves outside a parameter of 15 feet from the car. Possible?
As is "Standard" I don't know. I use to have a alarm system in an old vehicle of mine that automatically locked the doors and armed the alarm if the doors were shut and the vehicle off for more than 45 seconds. It was nice because it eliminated the Movie Theater, Restaurant...panic of trying to remember "if" I locked the doors. But that was a time based system not a distance based. And it was as the system was designed. Trying to "hack" the system to do something it wasn't originally designed to do, I would think wouldn't be worth the work.
i think you can program the car to lock after so many seconds, check the manual. as far as hacking, the usual answer around here is, 'anything is possible' if you're a genius. all the best!
If you're buying a new Prius and get what Toyota calls Vehicle Intrusion Protection or VIP security system it integrates with your fob and one of the benefits it provides is what Toyota calls "Automatic re-arming". But this is an accessory upgrade you have to pay for. Basically by design, I would think Toyota wants to make your FOB something that isn't easily hacked.
It can be programmed to lock after a set period, however, it will only work if you first unlock it from outside (via fob or door handle), then NOT open the door. Default is 60 seconds.
So I don't quite understand. You'd have to stop, park your car, get out...lock it...then unlock it...then walk away? Kind of negates the whole benefit of "Automatic" arming.
I guess it works this way in case you accidentally unlock it (sort of like "butt-dialing" a cell phone) and walk away. Prevents opportunistic thievery. That's the best I can come up with. For the definitive answer, ask Toyota.
It's just frustrating because it's so close to what I think the OP would like, and what I liked on my older vehicle. Which was just automatic arming. Especially as I get older there are more and more times I stop, get out of my vehicle, ( Do Lock It ) but then worry later if I forgot. I've left restaurants and movie theaters just to run back to the Prius and make sure it's locked. IMO automatic arming is a nice feature.
I'm old school enough to be wary of 100% infallability of "automatic" electronic doohickies. If I leave the headlights on when leaving and locking the vehicle, I can't stop myself from waiting to see the lights go out after the time delay, so I instinctively manually turn off the headlights before exiting. If the Prius would automatically lock itself based on proximity, say, 15 feet or so, I would still be in range to hear it lock, so I would have no problem with that.
Well with my old system you always had the option of pushing the button and immediately locking your vehicle if you felt like being "Old School". It was just nice, to know if you thought maybe you forgot to lock your vehicle that it would automatically lock itself. Self arming really isn't that complicated, it's just the system arming itself after X amount of time. I've actually never heard of anyone ever having a problem with it. It's just a nice safety net, knowing that you really can't accidentally leave your vehicle unlocked. It did have a Valet/Car Wash bypass.
I always touch the sensor on the door handle to lock it when leaving the vehicle. A proximity sensed lock would be nice, though...
I do too, though I'm not sure why. I guess I just got used to never needing to get the fob out of my pocket. I'd wouldn't mind an automatic system though, just like the headlights, but I'd still probably check just like I watch the headlights to make sure they turn off.