I have a 2013 Prius 4. I'm not sure if there is a problem or not but the heater just seems to blow the same temperature of air no matter how high I set the temperature. The air feels lukewarm. I was driving 60 miles yesterday with the temperature set at 76. I had on a long sleeve shirt and polar fleece jacket and it never got to where I was really warm. Outside temp was about 50. Any thoughts?
Just remember moving air -feels- colder that it actually is. I find running the set temperature a little higher than I would set my house to works well. Remember in the car you have radiative energy loss through the windows from your body. Also remember the sensor is not where you are so the temperature where you are in the car may be different than what the sensor reads. Try turning the temperature up before you start complaining to the dealer. I run Pearl S at 24C in the winter and 22C in the summer.
76 would feel luke warm. It will blow 76 deg air out at you. If you want it warmer raise it up, or go all the way until it says hi and it should feel very warm.
Thats what I'm thinking. You want the inside air temp to be 76, the air coming out should be really warm until you get tot that temp. If I set my Audi heater to 76 in about 10 minutes I'd be dripping wet.
One thing to look at is outside air temp, I run my car at 70 all the time and recirc the air. there needs to be al least a 10 degree difference bewteen outside and the inside settings. I need outside air to be below 60 before it starts to even heat. Again I am in manual mode with AC on. If I need heat when it is 65 outside, then I need to set it at 75 or higher. I can also just hit the defroster and I get hot air, but it is from the outside, nasty here in LA. I can turn the AC off and set the temp 10 deg higer and it heats.
I agree that you have a problem with the heater or the coolant system. You should get plenty of warm air in auto with the temp set at 72 degrees or so, 76 should be quite warm. It's still under warranty take it back to a dealer and get it fixed. As Wjtracy suggests check the coolant level before you drive it.