If I may be so ignorant, I see many threads regarding the internal bladder in the fuel tank but have no idea what this means? How is this different from non-hybrid fuel tanks? Love this forum for all my endless questions!
Most regular cars have a rigid fuel tank, while the 2004-2009 Prius has this internal bladder. The bladder contracts and expands which leaves less air over the top of the fuel minizing fuel evaporation, which can escape during a fill up. The new 2010 Prius does not have the bladder anymore as it was a nuisance how in cold weather the bladder did not expand as much and less fuel was allowed to be put in like summer/warmer months. Also, Europe I beleive never had the bladder...
You're correct Paradox,no bladder on Euro Prius.....Thank God! As a Taxi driver filling up a few times per week,i think i would have lost the plot!!