I found this on yahoo forum prius-2G It is a story I never read before and thought I would bring it to this forum to kick it around. Anybody have any comments? *** copy*** Last night on the way home from work, my wife's Prius just died. She had a fully charged battery on her screen, which suddenly went to zero. The dashboard was showing a large red triangle with exclaimation mark and a red car image appeared in the upper left hand corner of her data screen. The bottom line is that a vital switch, which is located at the bottom of the transmission, became shorted out with water. The "fix" for this issue, according to Joseph's Airport Toyota, was to "pack the switch with grease". According to JAT, the car is "fixed", but I'm concerned about what will happen as soon as the grease deteriorates. Clearly, according to Toyota, the switch should not have been exposed to the weather. It should have been enclosed or housed in some way. They also confided that this problem is and has been the number one problem with Prius cars dying on the road, suddenly. In my experience, this switch seems to be the only weak link in the engineering of this automobile, but, due to the dangers of the car stopping suddenly, it should be a recalled item with a more permanent fix than a glob of grease. *** end copy *** anybody know where this switch is located and can it be waterproofed with silicone? Thanks for your input.
That is one of the 2 things in the recently announced recall. The other is a reprogramming or flashing of the ECU. I don't know that the grease or sealant or what ever it is a good or bad idea. It could be sufficient as long as it is checked up on a regular basis? Other than that thought I have no other ideas.